Something's coming

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         Taehyung ran into the room to check up on Jimin. "Jimin! Did he hurt the baby?"

       Jimin was looking down and rubbing his baby bump thinking of what just happened and constantly playing it over and over in his mind.

         "Jimin?" Taehyung walked over to the human and sat next to him poking his cheek to grab his attention.

           Jimin turned to Taehyung and assured him that the baby and him was fine. Jimin never thought he'd see Jungkook like that again. He needed to be tamed and locked up so he won't ever think of hurting Jimin and their unborn child.

         "Jimin... I'm sorry we left you too long, we were boarding up and it took long. These vampires will come at night so if you hear them trying to enter you stay put. Don't wander around at night please." Taehyung looked at Jimin's baby bump. "When Han and I were boarding up the windows, I sensed a powerful thing coming. Yes, it's those types with the black-shot eyes... They are the most evil and violent vampires next to the red eyes. I know who he is."

       "Who is it?" Jimin felt his heart jump out. If Taehyung felt a monster like that after him, then there was a horrible thread of fate of them meeting and it would be drenched in crimson blood.

       "He's my ex's boyfriend. After me and Jungkook broke it off, I started to be with this human called Jung Hoseok. He was a special human. However, it didn't last so long because soon he came across a vampire named Min Yoongi. When me and Hoseok stopped seeing eachother, he was with Yoongi and now... I don't know where he is... I Don't know where he dwells... I don't even know if he lives.."

       "When will hunting season end?" Jimin tried to change the conversation.

       "Hunting season will end around a few months from now. It ends with a blood moon so all Vampires will know when to stop."

       "What does the Blood moon do?"

       "The blood moon is just like an alarm clock to tell vampires to stop hunting."

       "Oh..." Jimin looked around thinking of another question. "Wh-"

       "You'll be in pain.... I feel it..." Taehyung was looking at the floor. "This blood moon has all this effects on everyone expecting, when it happens... Please be strong." Taehyung announced feeling nervous and worried of course.

      Jimin lost his question he was about to ask but then thought of Taehyung's sudden announcement. "Will it hurt alot?"

       "I heard it'll be like millions on vampires trying to bite the baby bump or scratching and trying to pull it out. The baby will act abnormal for that short time... But I promise, it's still human and nothing more."

     Jimin gulped terrified, looking down at his stomach again. Then his question came back to him. "What if Hoseok became a vampire?"

        "I think he would be, if he is then I guess he is still with Yoongi. Yoongi is the black-eyed type. What other vampire's think, black-eyed vampires are the greatest ones and being with one means you get to have them protecting you always. However, that's what other's think.... Min Yoongi, is a mischievous one... I don't think Hoseok lived. That is why he's probably hunting this time of year."

        "Will Jungkook be okay after the blood moon? Or will he go back to his insane addiction and thirst for my blood?" Jimin was very curious, he wanted to know what will happen to his lover.

        "It'll take a long time from now for Han to get him used to something else." Taehyung stated.

       Jimin nodded silently As Taehyung felt the baby bump. "I forgot to mention... When the blood moon shows, throughout time you will be in pain and the baby will try to come out, it's like an illusion to kill your baby. It will feel like it's ready but don't do a thing, or else you can kill it."

       Jimin took all of it in and understood what it all meant. Taehyung helped Jimin up and he went to go finish his food. That Night, Jimin was laying in bed fake sleeping as Taehyung was next to him, incase anything happened. Taehyung insisted Jimin should sleep and if he stayed up he would mess up his sleep schedule which is no good for the baby. Jimin thought of Jungkook and wanted him so bad. If only they were together....Jimin can smile again. But Jungkook was in the other room kept far from Jimin. Did Jungkook even love him? Jimin thought these endless questions to himself as he Remembered how Jungkook reacted when he told him that their baby lived inside of Jimin. Jungkook knew how humans worked but he never knew how he would get Jimin pregnant. He never thought he was capable.

       Taehyung layed in bed thinking aswell. As he thought, he wondered if Hoseok really was alive and under Yoongi's wing. Yoongi was a violent little guy and meant danger. He wouldn't let any human he met live. So, Taehyung lost hope in believing Hoseok lived. But, it didn't stop him from looking back at the time him and Hoseok came across Yoongi and everything in the relationship came to a holt.

Love Me | Jikook Vampire AU | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now