Am'I In Love?

702 31 4

The loud sound of an alarm clock rang throughout the room Maki was in, the redhead groaned and then extended her hand towards it and lightly placed her hand on top of the clock, snoozing the alarm off, the redhead then slowly opened her eyes and lightly yelped when the rays of the sun from her window suddenly hit her face, it blinded her vision temporarily but it cleared up after getting used to the light.

'Mmm.. Today's Saturday huh...' She thought and then sat up before stretching her arms up, she then looked at the clock that reads 7:00 AM.

'Speaking of which, I was also planning to go to Eli's anniversary party with Nozomi by tomorrow.' She then hopped off from the bed and then went downstairs to cook breakfast. And during the process, she turned on the radio to listen for the daily news as she cooks.

"Today's forecasted weather will be sunny followed by slight rain in the afternoon, be sure to bring your umbrellas even though it is just a small and short shower in order to avoid getting sick. Climate change has been slightly aggressive." Says the weather woman in the radio. The redhead hummed as she finally finished cooking her meal, she then settled down along with the dish she made for herself.

"Well then, I guess I won't be able to see her huh?" She muttered as she started to eat her fried rice with a piece of fried egg on it. And as she chews, a sound of her telephone rang in the living room. Maki then looked at where the sound was and blinked.

'Who could be calling? Pretty sure Eli and Nozomi were asleep at this time since those two are lazy bummers. Unless..' She then swallowed her food and then stood up, going to the living room to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" She spoke as she brought the receiver to her ear.

"Nya!!! Maki-chan! Are you free today?!" The voice belonged to Rin Hoshizora, one of Maki's close friends. The redhead sighed and answered,"Not really, I have work today, what's with today?"

"Awwww come on nya! Eli said that we are gonna plan the anniversary party at the company itself so there's no work for you guys today! You in?"

The redhead blinked,"Really now? That's a surprise, alright then, I'm in."

"Alright nya! Sorry for disturbing you!"

"Yeah right." Maki then hung up and put the receiver back to its place then she proceeded back to the kitchen to continue her meal.


"Alright the garments belong there!" Eli instructed at one of her co-workers, the female co-worker then arranged the cloth decoration up and looked back at the blonde with a thumbs up, then the redhead entered the building and looked around, seeing the joyous vibe of the decorations for the party,"Wow, you guys sure prepared for this."

Eli then went towards her,"Hey Maki! Well then, it's not much but the boss kinda gave me the money for this set up. We have a kareoke, a buffet, etc.. Almost perfect!" Eli clapped her hands happily.

"Huh, well, I just noticed that the boss doesn't get too mad about setting it up in her own company."

"Well the boss did say that it feels wonderful to have a party in her company! Most anniversary parties take place here. And also, Maki, have gotten her answer yet?"

Maki blushed and looked away,"W-Where did that come from?"

Eli chuckled,"Come on, you are planning to court her anyway right?"

"T-That's none of your business!"

"I know where she is going this afternoon, romantic! Maybe you can take her home by sharing an umbrella with her? She doesn't usually use an umbrella for unknown reasons."

The redhead frowned,"That sounds ridiculous. She'll get sick if she does that."

Eli chuckled,"That's why I want you to personally come to her later this afternoon. She's usually at the park during Saturday afternoon."

"Eli! Here are the beers!" Shouted Rin from outside the building and the blonde turned to her then placed a hand on Maki's shoulder,"You go and get her." Maki blinked and then nodded, watching the blonde as she goes out of the building.



'As expected, it is raining so slightly.' Maki thought as she walked towards the park while holding an umbrella to protect herself from the small shower. The redhead looked at the large trees which were beautifully showered by the light rain, letting only little droplets come to what's below it, making the surroundings become little to no moist at all but the cool breeze made by the rain remained and it is really nice to smell it, it relaxes the body and mind.

And as Maki kept walking while lost in thoughts, she never noticed that there is someone familiar walking towards her way from the opposite direction, she has no umbrella with her but she has a smile on her face as she looks up at the trees, hearing the dropping of the rain to the leaves.

And not for long before they accidentally bumped into each other, the impact caused them to bounce back from each other slightly, it didn't affect Maki much though and it alarmed them both but the redhead quickly reached out her free arm and held the other close to her so then the other female won't fall, Maki then looked down and quickly froze once she saw who it is.

The other female then groaned and looked up, her eyes widened.

'Her!' The two of them thought at the same time, without realizing that Maki was still holding her and that she has her umbrella covering them from the rain.

They then stared at each other's eyes and could feel each other's breaths.

And the next thing they knew is that, their hearts are in complete sync even though they are loud and fast.

A/N: Heeyyy guys! Hope you liked this new chapter! Votes and comments are always appreciated! 


Jeepney Love Story (NicoMaki)(AU) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now