Chapter Two

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We arrived at the cafe a little late but resolute.

It was the last day of school so we should have been jumping with joy. Instead we were both a little subdued.

"Oh look here comes Zittany." Talia declared as we walked into the shop.

I grimaced when I heard the name. I had always hated it. No only did it make us sound like a pimple it also made me feel like I had lost my own identity. Before Zac I was plain old Brittany. Sometimes I missed those days.

I sat down next to Talia and gave her a quick kiss.

"Brittany, Zac. I want you to meet Jason. Jason. This is my BFF and her boyfriend."

I looked over at Talia's latest guy friend. He seemed nice enough but I didn't want to get too involved. Like the others before him, I'm sure he would be replaced in a couple of months.

After our tearful reunion at the dance last year, Talia confided in me about her relationship with Jackson. She told me how she had been blindsided by his supposed charming and caring nature. How he told her the all things that she wanted to hear. How she gave her heart to him only to be shattered when she realised he was an illusion and he had only used her to get what he wanted. Talia had resolved never to fall in love again. Never to feel so out of control that she lost herself completely with one person. Never to shed another tear over a guy. Since Jackson, Talia had been dating steadily but pretty much when things started getting serious she cut loose and moved on.

"It's better this way. I don't need a guy to define who I am." she justified to herself. All I could do was to be there and support her and live in the hope that she would learn to love again.

I looked over at Zac who was casually relaying stories about his plans with the life saving group. My heart burst with pride. Was I crazy! Here I had a guy that loved me completely, that was faithful and caring and yet I couldn't wait to get away. What was wrong with me?

"So Brittany. When do you want to start planning the Summer timetable. I'm guessing the beach and shopping are high on the priority list."

I hadn't told anybody about London. I wanted Zac to be the first to know.

"Well actually Talia I won't be here for the Summer. My parents are making me go on an exchange program to London."

"WTF!" Her scream raised above the chatter of the cafe. People were starting to look.

"What is going on here and how come I'm only finding this out now." Her voice had moderated to a lower level but it was still loud enough for the entire table to hear.

"My parents are making me go on some cultural exchange course. It was a last minute thing. They say I need to learn about people from other countries and their cultures."

I tried to keep it casual. I didn't want to show my eagerness for London.

"That actually sounds like fun but why London. It's so far away."

"I have no idea Talia. My parents think it will be good for me to travel and broaden my horizons."

"Maybe your parents want some alone time for the Summer. Maybe you'll have a little sibling next year."

"Ewwww. That's so disgusting! My parents are ancient."

Talia just laughed and gave me a hug.

"I'll miss you Britt and don't worry about Zac. I'll take good care of him."

She leaned over and gave Zac a wink which clearly annoyed Jason cause he put his arms possessively around her. She shrugged it off. Hmm I thought. He wasn't going to be around for much longer.

The week seemed to fly by. There was so much to do. New clothes and travel stuff had to be bought. Zac had started his training so it left very little time for us to be together. We managed to sneak down to our favourite spot by the lake the afternoon prior to me leaving.

We both just lay under the tree, arms around each other, savouring this special moment. Neither of us felt like talking. I just wanted to breathe in his special scent. I traced my fingers over his face as if I was trying to memorise each detail. I just wanted to hold this moment in my memory forever.

Eventually Zac broke the silence when he produced a small gift box wrapped with a fancy bow.

"Britt. This is my early Christmas present for you. I know we agreed on no presents but I felt like I just needed to give you something to remember me by while we are apart."

I felt bad. I had nothing to give to him. He looked so happy as he passed me the box and encouraged me to open it in front of him.

I carefully untied the ribbon and lifted the lid. Inside was a card, a small stuffed elephant and a velvet jewellery purse.

"Don't open the card yet. I want you to open it when you get to London but have a look inside the purse.

I open up the delicate drawstring and pull out a silver necklace with heart shape pendant.

"Here. Let me put this on for you."

I turn around as Zac fastened it around my neck.

"See now you can carry my heart around with you at all times."

I pulled out the stuffed elephant and held it close.

"I know how much you love elephants and I just couldn't resist."

"I love it Zac and I love you."

Genuine tears started to fall from my eyes when I realised how much I was actually going to miss him. We had been inseparable for almost a year. It was going to be hard not seeing him everyday. My heart definitely belonged to him. I couldn't imagine anything or anyone ever taking his place.

My London Love Affair: Book 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now