Chapter Four

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Hmm something wasn't right. My bed was squeaking as I turned over. Surely I had never heard that noise before.

I opened my eyes to unfamiliar surroundings. Where was I? I started to panic and then I realised that I wasn't at home anymore. I quickly looked at the time on my phone when I noticed I had missed a FaceTime call from Zac. I quickly called him back.

Zac's sleepy face appeared on screen. How I missed those blue eyes. His face looked tanned. Probably from his days spent at the beach.

"Zac. I'm so sorry. I was so tired I just fell asleep before I had a chance to call."

"Hmmm. Well it's the middle of the night here."

Oops. I had forgotten about the time difference.

"Don't hang up though. Losing some sleep is worth it just to see your face."

How I wished I could reach through the screen and touch him. Breathe in his familiar scent. For now though, I had to be satisfied with his picture on my screen. I told him all about the trip from the airport, about Amélie and Preeti. He told me about the life saving training and how Talia had broken up with Jason.

"No surprises there." I replied. I thought back to our last meeting at the cafe. Jason didn't stand a chance.

"But don't worry. She hasn't been sitting at home. She's been down at the beach hanging out with me and others in my group."

I felt an icy stab of jealousy run through me. It should have been me with Zac down at the beach. I knew I was being unreasonable. I didn't expect Zac and Talia to sit around all Summer waiting for me but to hear about them having fun together without me made me sad. I brushed away my feelings and continued with my stories.

I sighed as I hung up the phone. I looked over at Zac's picture and the stuffed elephant he gave me. It was then I realised that I hadn't opened the card he had given me at the lake.

Pulling it out from my bag where I had carefully placed it I held in it my hand. "Open me in London" it said on the front.

I opened the envelope carefully so as to not tear the stickers he had so lovingly placed on there. On the front of the card it had two elephants holding hands with a love heart between them. Haha. He knew me so well. I opened the card and read the message.

"To my dearest Britt. As you read this from your room in London please understand that my thoughts are with you. I want you to go out and taste life's adventures. I want you to meet new people and make new friends. I want all these things for you cause I know you will return, still in love with me. My love for you knows no barriers. As long as I live and breathe my heart belongs to you, and only you. All my love, Zac xoxo"

Tears started to form in my eyes. I had always been a crier but for some reason it felt different. These were tears of joy. I was stupid to be jealous of Talia. We had been through so much. Through the good times and through the bad times when we kept secrets from each other. I knew she would only be keeping a eye out for Zac for me.

I gently placed the card next to the photo and elephant and started to get ready for dinner.

I entered the dining room in trepidation. Between the tiredness and missing Zac I had no appetite. Reaching the bottom of the stairs though and smelling the delicious roast from the kitchen suddenly made my mouth water. My stomach growled in anticipation. I realised it had been a while since I last ate.

I joined Amélie and Preeti at the table along with three other guys and Mrs Jolly.

"Welcome Brittany. Sit down and then we can start with the introductions and ground rules."

"As you all know, I'm Mrs Jolly. My role whilst you are staying here is to be your chaperone, provide support and organise your daily group activities. Sunday will be your free day but at all other times you will be expected to follow the timetable set out for you. Breakfast and dinner times are compulsory. The girls rooms are located on the second floor, the boys on the first. The top floor is out of bounds. The boys are not allowed to go to the girls floor. For those who think they want to break those rules be warned that my room is located right next to the staircase and I'm a very light sleeper. Girls are not to linger on the staircase on the first floor..."

The rules seemed endless and Mrs Jolly kept going on and on. My stomach made that growling sound which wasn't helped by the smell of the food. Eventually Mrs Jolly stopped talking and asked for people to introduce themselves.

Amélie and Preeti each gave their introductions. My turn was next.

"Hi I'm Brittany and I'm from Australia. I like history so I'm hoping to get a chance to visit some places and make new friends."

I had no idea what to say so I kept it short and sweet. One of guys sniggered and poked the guy next to him then they both laughed. What was so funny? Did I say something wrong?

"Since you obviously have something to say Vin you can go next." Mrs Jolly said sternly.

The one who had sniggered got up put his hands in his pockets.

"My name is Vincenzo but you can call me Vin. I'm from Italy and I like chasing the beautiful girls..."

"That's enough Vin. Sit down."

Mrs Jolly didn't seem so jolly anymore.

"Hello I'm Harry and my parents made me come here cause I live on a farm and they wanted me to experience city life. I'm English but from up North."

The last guy got up and introduced himself.

"Hi I'm Finn and I'm from the US. Like Brittany, I want to see places and meet new friends. By the way, love your accent."

I felt a rush of blood to my face. Was Finn being sincere or teasing me.

"I love the Australian accent as well." Vin added and then he and Harry burst out laughing.

I felt so embarrassed. I have never thought about my accent before. Now it seemed like a liability.

"That's enough. Think it is time for the food." Mrs Jolly spoke sternly and the guys shut up.

I welcomed the food not only because I was starving but I felt really humiliated. The guys had treated me like their own personal joke. If this is what the cultural exchange program was about I was ready to pack my bags and head straight home.

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