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What is pain? Pain is what you feel when you get a paper cut, when you hit your head on something hard and when you slam the car door on your fingers. We experience pain when we fall. Falling from a tree, falling off your bike, falling out of love. They all cause pain. But it is strange. Because falling from a tree or off your bike creates a wound you can see. A scratch or a cut. Blood too sometimes is drawn from your body. But what about falling out love? It created a different kind of pain. Pain you couldn't see on the surface. Oh no. That kind of pain was more than skin deep. It required more than just a glance too see but often it hurts more, so much more than a simple cut or scratch. So look people. Look around you. Try to see how much the people around you are hurting inside and try to help. Because sometimes all it takes is one person and a little bit of time to heal a would like that.

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