A Well-Deserved Nap

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Black Hat wasn't having a good day.

A terrible day, in fact.

With Flugs inability to finish his latest invention, which was nearly two weeks overdue, money has been practically nonexistent. It seemed as though Flug was working slow on purpose; the very thought seemed absurd to many, but Black Hat did have a tendency to jump to conclusions. Of course, the demon would check in on Flug's process every so often, only to be met with the same excuses:
'It'll be done tomorrow, sir, I promise!'
'I just need a little more time, boss!'

He could see the stress and sleep deprivation in the doctors eyes. By the way he slurred his words and gently rocked back and forth every now and then, it was quite evident that he hadn't slept in a good week or two. It almost brought pity to Black Hat's heart.


Dementia was being a complete nuisance, as usual. Visiting Black Hat's office, swooning over him, then leaving after what seems like hours of convincing the stubborn girl and enduring extricating irritation. She visited Flug every now and then, to mess with his array of different chemicals and gadgets. But thus far, she hadn't done any real damage to anything. For that, Black Hat was thankful.

It was early the next morning when the demon arose from bed, ready to start yet another miserable day with a cup of coffee in one hand and a toothbrush in the other.
Quickly after freshening up, he made his way to Flugs laboratory for the umpteenth time.

He walked along the corridor down to Flug's office, but abruptly stopped when he was met with the door.
"Flug," he started, "If I don't see a finished invention by the time I enter this room, you better pray to whatever god you believe in that you'll have two mobile arms after I'm finished with you."
He opened the door to his office, and was surprised to see that Flug wasn't in his station. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't seen the doctor for the last 2 days. Which was very, very strange.

He scanned the room for a couple minutes, and nearly came to the conclusion that Flug had simply died.

'Well, it's about time' Black Hat thought, ignoring the pit of worry and uneasiness forming in his stomach. He was right about to leave the lab to look for Flug elsewhere, when he heard an unfamiliar sound coming from the closet right next to the doctors desktop.


No, it can't be— Flug never slept. He doubted he even knew what sleep was. Matter of fact, he concluded a theory that the man had simply lived off of coffee, work, and human despair.

So snoring, especially in Flug's laboratory, was a very, very strange thing to hear.

He strolled over to the closet and stopped in front of it, contemplating whether or not opening it was a good idea.

What if it was an intruder?

Oh, who am I to be afraid of? Thought Black Hat, opening the door and preparing himself for the worst.
He was slightly surprised to find a sleeping Flug, his bag pulled halfway down his face to reveal his open mouth. He seemed to be in a pretty awkward position; his legs were uncomfortably stuffed in the tiny closet, almost looking criss-crossed. His left arm was being held up from the rest of his body, and his right arm was gently resting on his lap.


Black Hat shook his head, snap out of it! This is your employee, and nothing else!
He thought for a second of waking him up to lecture him about the laziness and incompetence of humans, while hurrying him to finish working on his latest invention, but decided not to.

He just kept staring at him.


Without much thought, he picked Flug up and propped him over his shoulder. Flug's own bed is far too for firm for any human to sleep on.
Perhaps it was time to replace it.

He carried the doctor to his own room. Despite the frightening black wallpaper and disturbing photographs displayed on his wall, the bed was much softer compared to Flug's.

He opened the long, gray door and entered his room, strolling over to his bed. He gently set Flug down and layered the fluffy blankets over his body, blushing when he saw the man nuzzle into his pillow. A lazy smile formed on his face.


He stood over the doctor for another second or two to observe his sleeping form, until finally leaving the room. He slowly shut the door behind him.

Taking out his cellphone, he dialed Dementia's number and waited until a familiar voice picked up the call.

"Hey boss!" Giggled the girl from the other line.
"Dementia," Black Hat began, "Cancel the next auction until next week. Our doctor needs a couple days off."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2017 ⏰

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