Chapter 5: A Sweet Kiss Goodnight

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   A/N: Waz up my readas? I know it has been a few days since I uploaded last, and that will be explained... with the worst excuse ever! I was having some trouble coming up with some ideas for this chapter, but I finally got some and this is what I came up with! :) I hope y'all enjoy! (I'm so southern! haha) Read on!!! :) Chapter 5...... here we come!!!!


   Eternal lovers. That is how chapter thirteen started, the first words in the paragraph. Those two words that can mean the world to two people. Unfortunately, for me, it never said being "in love" with a git like Draco Malfoy. Why was he being so difficult? The chapter gave specific points as to how this relationship "works" so to speak. Moose was right about most of the facts, the story put it as being the most powerful, passionate, and amazing love on the entire planet. It doesn't say anything about the weird feeling I have towards Draco, like I have seen him before. That is what bugs me, that nagging feeling in he back of my thoughts. Those fours hours in the library, I drowned myself with every theory, every myth, legend, story. Glancing through everything I could get my hands on for the topic. They all said the same basic thing. It happens to every generation at birth, the soul mates.

   "Of course, and yet we haven't had one decent conversation," I mumble, slamming the last book shut. My research got me no where. Draco hates me and we are supposed to be in love? How the hell does that plan to work out? And he still carried me to the hospital. I could picture it in my head, his stong arms locked around my unconscious body, my head resting in the crook of his neck. I could almost feel his body heat swarming around my limbs, his lips kissing my own, his tongue toying with mine, his sweet breath intoxicating my nostrils. It seemed almost impossible. This sweet guy I have lodged into my brain compared to the git that is the reality. My stomach dropped at the horrible thought of Draco never loving me back, always hating me for some reason that even I don't understand. Yet, I don't want to give up. I want to make sure this works out. It will even if he doesn't want it too because the books state that the two lovers are always drawn to each other. Well, right now, we are just the opposite. Draco hasn't given me any notion that he is interested. Oh well.

   "Are you almost finished here, deary?" Madame Pince whispered, her sweet voice polite and comforting.

   "Yes Ma'am. Thank you. I will just be a moment to put these up." I reply, stacking the books up, taking them in my arms. Madame Pince smiles and nods, leaving the shelves to return to the front of the library. The books were put away in a few minutes, each one floating back up to its original spot. The notes I took were tucked neatly into my pocket of my Slytherin robe. My bag nested itself into my shoulder as I made my way out into the hallway. I checked the time, it was about eight, everyone should be in the Great Hall having dinner. Eh, what the heck? I haven't seen Moose in a few hours and I am sure he wants to know what I have found.

   "Kimber, over here!" I hear Moose shout. I smile, adjusting my bag, fingering my notes in my robes. Moose was sitting at the Slytherin table by himself. I felt kind of bad, he could've told me he was going to dinner so that I wouldn't have taken so long in the library.

   "Hey, Moose." I say, sitting down next to him, grabbing some pumpkin juice.

   Moose claps his hands, rubbing them together. "So, did you find anything?" His voice was so filled with curiosity that he could've passed for a five-year-old.

   "Oh yes, I did. I took notes on every theory and myth they have out there. And let me tell you, there is a LOT of information about this," I pull out the parchment, pushing it over to him like it was top secret... in a way, it was. I didn't want someone to peep into my business. The rest of the table was caught up in their own conversation... everyone except, Draco. He was staring at me again, but this time, it wasn't full of anger... but full of longing and passion, the look he would give me in my dreams. I felt my heart flutter and my stomach do the same. Maybe things would get better.

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