Chapter 2

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*Skylars POV*

"Ok so we decided to do a 3am challenge instead of just exploring it so we are now just going to wawa to get me some snacks and yeah" I said to the camera .

I pulled up to wawa and Elliott and I walk in.There's three boys here and they also have a vlogging camera.Theyre making so much noise but I can't say that me and Elliott weren't either!We ate really quickly so we walked outside and the boys from before were looking at my car.

"Hey back up from the car " I yelled.Im sorry but I don't like when people touch my baby.

"Chill dude" a boy ,with deep brown hair, tan skin and brown brown eyes , said .

"He's got one too" a boy ,with lighter brown hair and green eyes, said pointing to the last boy who had dark brown hair, brown eyes and had white skin.

"The red one over there" the boy who supposedly owns the car says and points to the shiny red BMW m4.

"Nice " I say dragging out the e.

"Anyway we just wanted to know if we could get a picture with them together?" The BMW owner asked.

" Yeah sure but make it fast we gotta film a video " I said growing impatient.

"Ok ok well will I drive mine to yours or will you drive yours to mine ?" He asked noticing that they were quite far away.

" I'll drive mine " I said just wanting to get this over with.

I strutted my way to my car and succeed in getting into the car without hitting my head off of something.(I'm clumsy like that)I started up the engine and was pleased by the look on the boys faces.The other two boys ,not the owner of the BMW , were jumping around like a little kid being told they're going to Disney world! I just rolled my eyes ,chuckled and drove over to the red BMW .I stopped the car and got out with my camera.

"So now we are held up with people wanting to take a picture with my car.But after we're gonna go do that 3am challenge and explore that insane children's asylum for you guys." I said quite fast.

"Wait , you're going to an insane children's asylum?" The lighter brown haired boy said while coming into view of the camera.

"Em yeah y?" I said unsure .

" We're YouTuber's too and we were planing on going there and doing a three am challenge " lighter brown haired boy said.

"Oh well maybe we can play a prank on our viewers?" I said mischievously.

"I like the sound of that"Elliott said butting in on our conversation.

"Mike what you think ?" Light brown haired boy asked the BMW owner.

"Yeah I don't give a shit as long as I get theses fine ass pics for my insta" Mikey said still looking at my car .

"Plug" Me and the boy with darker brown hair shouted at the same time since my camera was still out and I was still videoing.I laughed when Mikey shouted out his Instagram name.

"Well anyway what are all your names?" I asked so I wouldn't have to call them by they're looks.

"Jake Dufner " light brown haired boy shouted in my ear.

"Fuck ok thanks for now deafening me in one ear" I said and held my ear.He just laughed and walked to my car.

"Ademir Adamo and I give no fucks " dark brown haired boy said and came into view of the camera.Everyone burst out laughing.

"Mikey Manfs " Mikey said.

"Elliott-" I cut Elliott of by shouting " No one gives a fuck"

He turned to me and tackled me and put me over his shoulder.

"Put me the fuck down Elliott " I shouted and all the boys just burst out laughing and took out their camera's except Ademir.

"Look at little- wait you never told us your name?" Jake said shoving the camera in my face.

"My names Skylar Greene and I'll fuck you up if you don't help me down" I said and started slapping Elliott with the one hand I had free because my camera was in the other hand.

"As you wish " Elliott said and just dropped me on my head before I could say shit.

" Ugh fuck you Elliott " I said half laughing and the other half groaning.

"Hey you told me to put you down and that's what I did" Elliott said and grabbed the vlog camera from my hand.

Ademir helped me up because he was closer and he wasn't holding anything else.

"Thanks" I said looking into his eyes for a second.

(Sorry but this song kinda just popped into my head for some reason )

I turned away and walked to my car.

"Hey are we doing this 3am challenge or not?" I asked still unsure if they would want to do it still.

" Yeah race you there?" Mikey asked with a smirk.

"Your on motherfucker " I said with a daring look on my face.

"Whoever loses has to buy the winners food"Jake said .

"DEAL" Elliott shouted .

Mikey started his engine and so did I.We drove out of the parking lot and onto the street.we stopped at a traffic light.The second the light turned green we were off. He was winning at first but at the end I won!

I jumped out of my car and ran to Mikeys still running car and told him to roll down the window.

"Looks like your buying us food after this"I said bending down to be level with the window ,winked and then walked over to Elliott.

"Cheeks" I heard them all yell as I walked away.I turned back and flipped them off.


Two uploads in one day!! Bitch I'm on fire!!!

Anyway please comment if I should keep doing this story of not and make sure to go check out my other story about Mikey ,Jake and Ademir

Byeeeee xx

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