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Rileys POV

i left the dining room table that me, mom, dad, and auggie were at crying so I could go open the bay window to let maya in.

when I got to the window, I could already see her eyes were filled with
tears. I let her in and she squeezed me in a hug.

"riley.. I don't want you to leave"

"maya trust me, I dont wanna leave either but there's no other option"

maya begin to cry harder and so did I.

I decided I should probably let everyone else know that I'm leaving so i posted a picture on Instagram.


532 likesrileyyyy__ I'm moving to London

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rileyyyy__ I'm moving to London... bye guys I'm sorry😢

charlie02 nooo 😭😭

saricarp what why!!??😭😭💔

d3bby_ry4n gonna miss you love! 💔

reachtheskai no!

teamriarkle_ no!!! you have to stay with Farkle!!!

luuucaya riley we are gonna be so saaaaad!😭😭😭😢😢

five minutes later, maya thought I should check the comments on my picture.

there were so many and they all wanted answers! I couldn't take it because i felt so bad so i decided to disable the comments.

soon, Farkle and Lucas came through the window. Lucas came in and hugged maya so I hugged Farkle.

"you guys came. together." I said .

"riley..we talked some things out and we want to tell you how we really feel about you guys" lucas said.

I smiled and wiped my tears.

we sat on the bay window. all four of us.

Farkle grabbed my hand and said "riley, I like you. more than i like smackle"

Then Lucas grabbed Maya's hand and said "I really like you maya". she smiled.

Maya and I looked at eachother and said simultaneously, " I'm happy for you"...then we did a group hug. I really was happy for her.

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