not a real date

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Ok we met at the homecoming party I was drunk  and I acted like idiot my best frinds were busy some of them were making out and some of them were eating thean there was a guy who was trying to get closer to me but  I stopped him by using the fame as an excuse I told him that if the paparazzi talked a picture of me talking to him or touching him my father would see it and freak out but I was laying I really don't care about the paparazzi or enything he is just not my type actually I didn't know who was my type before meeting her she maked me realize my sexualty It wasn't a love from the first sight I don't believe in this kind of love you need to know the person really will to fall in love with him but I just saw her standing alone and I didn't saw her before at school and this is the sineor year and I know everyone at school so I walked toward her iam not courises iam just socially active so I said hey and she was like oh my god are you Alice drake the model did you study her are you talking to me realy!! 
Then I said yah and you look nice by the way and she said No one like to talk to me maybe iam boring and maybe they hate me because iam gay thean I said I don't think you are boring I think you are brave to came out and to love your self  thean I asked her If she is new and she said yes and I traid to know more about here while I was drinking and thean I became drunk enough to kiss her and I enjoy it and everybody freaked out and the paparazzi taked a picture while iam kissing her but I couldn't consider this day as a first date because I wasn't aware of what Iam doing

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