Chapter Five - This Business

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Chapter Five//This Business

"Ahh. Our shining star!" He said, clapping his hand.

Mr Director is one of Papa's friend, since childhood. So, using him as an advantage, It was very easy for me to be put in productions.

"Whoo, t-that's me."I sarcastically said.

"Has your father explained this business yet?" I looked at him, confused.

"W-What business?" I asked. He sighed in relief.

"It's okay, Kotoko. All I can say is that the people over there are very, very gentle with stars like you." The way he said 'gentle' started to scare me.

"G-gentle, right?" I repeated. He nodded and smile.

"I suggest that you prepare yourself. It's going to be tough." And with that, he disappeared. I sighed as I sat down, looking at my script.

"Was Mariposa that strong?" I asked myself.


At the end of the day, I waited for my father, as I sat on the bench. He didn't arrive. 5-6 minutes more. He still wasn't here. Sighing, I got up on my own two feet and started heading for the gates.

Again, I saw children with their loving parents walking together. I sighed as I bumped into a person.

"Kyaa!" I felt back, in an embarrassing position. I blushed as I looked at the person. "Papa..?"

"Clumsy Kotoko. But still adorable." He laughed as he harshly pulled me up. I flinched as I patted my skirt down. I looked carefully at my dad, frowning. Huh? A lipstick mark on his neck? He seemed to notice as he pretended to scratched his neck whilst smiling.

"Why were you so late?" I asked.

"Nothing to worry about, Kotoko. Just had to take care of some business." This business stuff again. I frowned again as I started walking ahead. Papa laughed as he saw my frustrated face. "You'll understand when the times comes..."

"Oh, Papa." I stopped my track as I sigh. "Mr Director mentioned that I have to sort some business out.."

"It's a big surprise!" He smiled. "It will definitely change your life." I did a fake smile as I followed after him as we walked home.

When we entered, Papa told me to go to my room as he wanted to talk to mommy.

I was still curious about this 'Big Surprise' or 'business'. I really wanted to know so bad.

"I'll ask mommy when Papa goes." I said to myself.

"I'm NOT going to do that to my own daughter!" I heard shouting. Mommy?

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