Gamzee's prisoner (human stuck)

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My name is Pailla Demise,I just got off from my job at the cafe downtown.I was walking home to go to my house a few block from here.My best friend lives their with me Tavros Nitram.Hes an odd one actually he is very sheepish and loves fairy tales.I like I tease him sometimes because it's pretty cute.My shift ended around 7:30pm and I don't have a car so I walk home.Tavros tells me I should get a better job and start working less,but I can't I work with my other friend Kalami Vernin (I added my OCs as well so don't get mad)She's a bit of a hot head but she's very nice.Her boyfriend Karkat Vantas works a shift their too.They both share their lunches with me on break.I'm poor and I live in a small house.Walking home I procecceded to rummage through my bag and grab my keys.Upon entering I glanced around placing my coat and bag on the floor next to the coat hanger.Tavros wasn't home he works in a Mexican restraint with his friends.I gave a sigh upon looking at the brown carpet.The house was small and empty and I didn't complain.The couch was made for 2 people and their was 1 bedroom with a small bathroom.The kitchen was next to the living room.Me and Tavros didn't have a T.V only a radio to listent to when we got bored.We would usually cook or clean around here.Plopping down on the bed I grabbed my cell seeing a new message from Tavros.

"Ummmm I'll be home early i'm gonna bring home Chinese food okay?"

I gave a chuckle replying back but before I could I heard yelling from next door.The walks were thin and the lowest noise could be heard.Our neighbors where Vriska Serket and Valare Wicket.The two would always fight about Vriska being drunk.She would come over here and beat Tavros.Her and Tavros where boyfriend and girlfriend once.But she drank to much and he left.I usually take the beatings and Tavros feels guilty that he can't help me.I tend to smile even if I was badly hurt.Vriska swung open the door stomping twards me.She was drunk I could see it on her face.I placed my hand on my shoulder as she got closer.Getting close enough she gripped onto my hair yanking me to the floor.I winced letting my eyes tear up.Vriska pulled me to the floor with a thud so she could kick me hard enough in the gut.I coughed curling up on the floor.She kicked again causing me to spit out some blood.She laughed a bit before spitting on me and calling me a worm.She left and I was left curled up.Tavros had come in a few minutes after and saw me on the floor.


He stumbled running twards me before setting the food down.

" this?"

I didn't answer only to let him guess.

"I'm fine wasn't that bad."

Tavros picked me up wiping away the blood from my mouth.

"We need to move...Pailla we need a better job."

"I'll get one!Just give me time!"

I snapped at him,clearly I could see the hurt in his eyes as he went to eat silently.

(Sooooo how is it guys?)

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