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I sat at the counter picking at my Chinese orange chicken.I wasn't all that hungry after what Vriska had did.Tavros stayed quiet eating silently not knowing what to say.I stabbed at the chicken makign my chopstick stand up right.

"Tavros....I'm sorry...Maybe....we can move...."

"With what money?!"

Tavros snapped at me,He wasn't one to yell at anyone unless it was to show or prove a point.I put my gaze to the floor before sliding out of my seat.

"I'm gonna go to bed...Tomorrow I won't be home till the next day...I have to work at the other cafe down the street."

I had 2 jobs to support me and Tavros.His paycheck wasn't enough and he couldn't really do much because he had a accident along time ago.He can't walk for long or stand alot he would collapse.Tavros didn't speak to me due to the fact of being upset.I gave a light sigh before walking to the bed room and slipping into my pj's and into bed.My eyes began falling as I let myself fall asleep.BAM!My eyes shot open hearing a strange noise outside.I sat up rubbing my head as I glanced at my alarm clock.11:00p.m,Who in the world would be dumb enough to make noise.Well Vriska and Valare could be the ones yelling at each other.I sighed getting up from the bed and going to my window.I soon noticed a bit of fog on the window as if someone was their.I placed the back of my hand on the window to feel for any cold.It was hot outside and in here...So their was no way that the cold could have done that.Shaking my head I walked out to the living room seeing Tavros sleep on the couch.With a smile I placed his blanket and tinkerbull plush next to him.He looked so peaceful when he slept.Stretching my arms out I returned to the bed room to sleep once again.The fog on the window kinda creeped me out,It just kept tugging on my mind honestly.My eyes shut once again and within a few hours my alarm clock.I was groggy and so tired,My fist slammed at the off switch to the stupid beeping alarm clock.Getting up to my feet I soon washed my face and to my extent I noticed a cut along my cheek.My eyes widened a bit as i examined it.

"That...Wasn't their before...was it?"

My finger tip slid across the cut along my cheek.I sighed putting my hair up and grabbing my white blouse and skirt.

"Pailla hurry up or else your boss will fire you!"

Tavros yelled from the kitchen who was making some breakfast for us.

"I know I know!"

Rolling my eyes I soon went to the kitchen grabbing two pieces of turkey bacon and my bag.

"Bye TAV!"

Walking along the street I started arranging my apron on my way their.My turkey bacon was hanging in my mouth as I fussed with the rope of the apron.I was about 1 minute away from the coffee shop.Getting their I set my bag down in the back and noticed our boss Kurloz Makara standing next to my locker.He had a blank expression of annoyance as he pointed to his watch.

"Sorry...Kurloz...I had a bit of trouble sleeping last night."

Our boss was a mute and I understood sign language thanks to Meulin Leijon.Kurloz began shaking his head as he stepped towards me pointing to my cut.

"I dunno Kurloz it was just their when I woke up honestly..."

Giving me a roll to the eyes he waved his hand gesturing me to get to work.Nodding I started to get to work so I could get this over with.5 hours had gone by and Kalami walked over to me holding a mocha frappe on a tray to me.Leaning over to me she looked over at the other side of the cafe.

"Dude...That guy over their has been in here all day...Like he hasn't left."

"Are you serious?"

Kalami nodded handing me the tray.

"Yeah he orders the same thing every hour....It's creepy...He's like watching us work..."

I rolled my eyes looking at Kalami then going over to the other side of the cafe to see.It was a tall skinny and lean boy.His hair was a complete mess and he wore a purple and lack sweater along with tight brown jeans,All star purple converse and a cigarette in his mouth.The thing that made me kind of stare was that he was wearing clown/skeleton face paint.He had a few tattoos on his arms but that didn't really bother.I picked up the cup and placed it in front of him without a single word.His gaze went on me kind of giving me a slight shiver.


His voice was  a bit deep and lazy which kind of now gave me goosebumps.

"No problem"

I walked back to Kalami as she placed her hands on her hips

"You're right he's odd..."

Kalami laughed throwing me her apron as she rolled her eyes.

"Well my shift is over,Anyways boss wants you to be the last to lock up today,is that cool?"

I wasn't really very lean on the idea of being the last one but that was my boss.I gave a nod before Kalami threw the keys to me.

"Alright i'll pick em up tomorrow to open early with Karkat.After all he is working again tomorrow."

-closing time-

The cafe cleared up quickly and It was now closing time.I put my tips in my pocket before seeing that all the machines where off and all the trays where put away.I walked up to the open and closed sign turning it around and walking out to lock up.Locking up for tonight I started to walk to my second job.Walking I felt a presence behind me as if someone was following me.I stopped for a second and turned around seeing a hooded figure grab my arm.I got pulled into the alley way with a covered mouth.I was trying to scream for help and escape.I kicked and flailed but to no avail I couldn't get free.The figure grabbed my shirt sliding it up as I was tearing up.I closed my eyes soon to feel nothing anymore.I opened my eyes and saw another figure in front of me instead.The other figure was on the floor while the new one was in front of me.

" alone...please..."

The figure smirked as the figure put down it's hood.I recognized the face in seconds,That boy from the cafe who stood their for hours.He smirked spraying a gas in my face and soon after that...everything became foggy.

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