Ch. 1 'Friendly' Competition

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Karen was nothing but bored.

She lay down on the bed, silently. Knowing herself, she already claimed the bed by the window. Chuckling to herself silently, she quickly unpacked the rest of her bags.

Unlike last year, when she only had one other companion, sophomores had three roommates. As she finished the last of her bags, she took her headphones and iPod and started to scroll through her playlist.

She actually missed it last year, as a freshman. Sure, she had trouble with her over-the-top roommate Katy, but at least she had fun pranking all the kids with her birthright. She could not wait to get this school year kicking.

She mused at this while selecting 'What Now' by 'Rihanna' and observing her surroundings.

The bed on the far side of the room is obviously claimed. Duffel bags and a single black suitcase were crowded around the bed, and on it was a black and blue mattress. On the mattress was a sign: ' Cris P. '

As far as she was concerned, she could feel someone staring at the back of her head. She whipped her head around, and saw a tall, lean figure looking at her.

Her long, wavy, dark hair complemented her white complexion. With baby blue eyes to stand out, the dark-haired girl allowed a smirk to settle on her red lips. "Welcome to NVH" the girl said casually as she dusted of her jeans and converse. "Freshman?"

"Sophomore" by all means, Karen couldn't care less. She was too busy listening to 'Rihanna'.

"Selene Williams" the girl introduced herself smugly. "Normally, I wouldn't be rooming with a sophomore, but since Paige is here, I have to keep my tabs on her." She smiled a 'sorry, not sorry' smile.


Karen took a second to look at the sign on the occupied bed.

She briefly remembered Cristina Paige. Rumour had it she got suspended 7 times and was expelled. She was now on probation. Though Karen never met her, she raised her chin up defiantly. She was not gonna let some hotshot chick to take away her position in popularity.

"Oh, Paige," she took a second to apply another layer of lipgloss on her already pink lips. "I bet she couldn't even have the guts to beat me. She and some kid, Jordan Thorn, got into a fight last year. If that snarky, skater dude can beat her, she must be harmless."

"I wouldn't say that"

Karen whipped her head around, her choppy, brown hair flying all around her face.

Standing by the doorway was a girl with dark, spiky hair and paralysing blue eyes. She held an air of triumph and pride, and was looking at her with a 'badass' stare. Cristina Paige sneered at Karen once more as she tugged on her leather jacket.

All Karen could do was laugh.

'Seriously?' She thought in her head. 'It's bad enough to have her hair cut like a boy's, but the leather jacket? Badass look? She looks like she can't harm a fly!'

Cris, seeing this, can't help but remark at her, "You better scram," she growled at the brunette standing before her, "Before I make you."

Karen allowed a smirk to settle on her pink, glossy lips. "Oh?"

Paige pounced on her, but Karen casually moved out of the way. "Woah there, Paige," she said, the smirk never leaving her mouth. "A bit hostile there, now, are you?"

"Shut up if you know what's good for you, Devina."

Ms. Devina can't help but gasp over this. "The all-powerful Cristina Paige knows my name!" She exclaimed as she pretended to cower over her in fear.

"I thought Cristina Paige was supposed to be some hotshot, badass chick?" She challenged her. "A rebel?"

Before Cris had time to answer, they were interrupted by a masculine voice from the entry way.

"Really, Cris? The first 15 mins. you've been at NVH and you've already picked a fight?"

Cristina shrugged at the blonde-haired boy who stood by the doorway. "I got bored" she said.

Karen, however, paid no attention to Cristina, whatsoever. She was more focused on the blonde in front of her. "Jace right?" She asked, remembering him from her Latin class.

He smiled, showing pearly-white teeth. "Jace Paige"

Karen could hardly believe that the fierce Cristina and dare-she-say-it(cute) Jace were siblings. They both had the same blue eyes, but that's it.

Jace glared at Cris a bit more. "Hurry up, time to go!"

The dark-haired girl just sneered at Karen and followed Jace outside the dorm.

Selene took one look at her, and said a group of sentences she never thought she'd hear:

"You have a death wish."

Karen merely shrugged. "Same difference."

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