Crash Landing

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Team Flash has dealt with tons of crazy stuff, but this would be one of the craziest things they've ever seen. I guess you could say that it was just another day in the life of Central City. The Flash (Barry Allen) raced throughout the city to make sure that his speed was still up, he hadn't been running for a while. Because of a timeline incident called Flashpoint, The Flash created problems for everyone, including his friends and family.

He had to face a powerful speedster named Savitar, who turned out to be a time remnant of himself from the future. When he destroyed Savitar, The Flash had to take his place in the Speed Force as a prisoner, due to Flashpoint. With Barry no longer in Central City, Wally West, who was known as Kid Flash, would have to take Barry's place as The Flash until he returned.

That happened years ago, now Barry is back. Back to running full speed on the streets of Central City. "Yo Barry!" A voice shouted through his earpiece, causing Barry to stop quickly. "We've got something on the radar back here, you're gonna wanna see this." Barry quickly ran to Star Labs where Team Flash was waiting for him.

Team Flash is made up of Barry's friends and family. His wife Iris West-Allen, her brother Wally West, their dad Joe West, Wally's girlfriend from Earth 2 Jesse Wells (Jesse Quick), her dad Harrison Wells, Barry's best friend Cisco Ramone, their friend Julian Albert who showed up after Flashpoint was fixed, and Tracy Brand from the year 2020. Right before Barry went back into the Speed Force, another member named Caitlin Snow had left Team Flash to better discover who she was, due to her winning the battle between becoming Killer Frost.

"Okay Cisco, what've we got?" Barry said after removing his suit. "We're not sure actually," Cisco said as he got out of his chair and went over to the radar screen. He grabbed a remote and made the radar into a split-screen. "What you see here are two images of Central City at this very moment. On this screen we have our sensor radar where absolutely nothing is happening to the city, the other radar is showing a massive amount of energy throughout the city." Cisco explained to Barry.

Barry turned to Julian and Tracy. "Do we have any way of tracking whatever this is?" He asked them. "We've tried Allen, but no matter what we do there's no way to track it, pretty much like it was with Savitar," Julian said, he still felt a chill go up to his spine when he even thought about Savitar. "I've been thinking about that," Tracy said as she ran towards the screens. "What if whatever we're seeing on this radar isn't here? If you look you can see that the two cities are similar but also different, as if we are looking at another world." Julian dashed over to his computer. "You know what Tracy, you just might be onto something." But just before he could touch anything, something appeared on his computer, a breach had opened right above the middle of Central City.

Suddenly the radar disappeared and a satellite alarm went off. "Uh Cisco, what is that?" Barry asked. Cisco quickly ran to the satellite radar and checked it out. "There's a meteor headed straight for Central City and it's the same massive energy from earlier!" He said in a panic. Barry, Wally, and Jessie quickly grabbed their suits and quickly ran to the location. "We don't have much time, get everyone else out of here now!" Barry told Wally and Jessie, who quickly ran throughout the city. "Cisco how many people will the hit effect when it hits?" He said as he ran.

Cisco was working through the system as fast as he could when Harrison Wells gave him his suit. "Get out there and tell them to create a wind strong enough to slow it down while you do the same with your powers, I'll handle the rest." He told Cisco. As Cisco left the room Harrison sat on his desk and went on his email to send something to Earth 19. The message read: Meteor on Earth 1, get here now.- Harrison Wells.

The Flash, Kid Flash, and Jesse Quick were still handling the city when Cisco showed up as Vibe, he told them Harrison's plan to slow down the meteor. The speedsters quickly got into position and started creating the wind. Cisco was getting his powers ready when a breach opened beside him and a woman jumped out. "Heard you might need some help." She told Cisco. "Thanks, Gypsy," Cisco told her as he opened a breach. "Let's do this thing." They jumped into the breach, ending up directly under the meteor. Both Gypsy and Vibe quickly raised their hands and vibed at a frequency that helped the speedsters slow it down.

For some reason, the meteor had a different reaction than expected. Instead of going slower, it sped up, absorbing their powers as it was hit. The Flash quickly snatched Cisco and Gypsy before the meteor struck the ground, but when they looked there was barely any damage, only a small hole in a brick wall was made.

The Flash quickly ran over to the damage to find the meteor, there was no meteor, instead, there was a mysterious pink rock glowing inside a triangular pyramid case. He grabbed the object and told everyone to meet him at Star Labs, he quickly raced to Star Labs not knowing that five kids arrived in Central City through a wormhole. One girl went to where the object was found and nodded. "It was here but someone else has it." She said, turning towards the group.

Meanwhile back at Star Labs, Julian was analyzing and trying to figure out what the object was. "I don't get it, how can that thing be absorbing our powers and using them against us?" Julian stood up and turned towards Barry. "I don't know Allen, but it's almost like the Philosopher's Stone, it doesn't seem to exist in any of our scans." He said to him as he went to one of the screens. "But we do know for sure that this object is filled with the same energy that the radar showed and that it's not from this world." Cisco walked over to the object. "Maybe I can vibe this and see if something else or someone else came through as a breacher." Everyone agreed with Cisco, if there was something or someone else here they had to know before anything happened.

Cisco placed his hand on the case and vibed, he saw five figures, three males and two females, but he couldn't see their faces. "Okay so identities unknown, but they all had similar suits, black and blue, two girls and three boys." He told everyone. "Whoever they are just want something to do with this thing." Suddenly Iris walked into the room looking concerned. "Um Barry, you'd better not be telling everyone we're having five kids." She said as Joe walked in, stopping him in his tracks.

"You're doing what now?." He asked, also concerned. Barry shook his head and told them about the five kids they think are after the object they found. "Oh thank God," Joe said in relief, he was hoping they would wait a bit longer for that event. "Wait, I got it, why don't we have The Flash and the rest of the team host the arrival of our new exhibit, being the space rock?" Iris told everyone, as they looked at the rock. "That way Cisco can vibe to see if they come to the event." Harrison stood up and grabbed his Metahuman detecting wristband and a few more. He walked around and gave one to Joe, Iris, Julian, and Tracy. "The rest of us will locate the group and make them think they earned some kind of exclusive of Star Labs." Everyone agreed and got everything ready to put the plan into action.

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