Return of the Lost

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The team was at Star Labs testing out a new gadget that Harrison made to project Cisco's vibes like one of those projection movies. "What're the odds that this won't explode on my head?" Cisco asked sarcastically. Harrison ignored him and explained that the device will be able to show us the vibe he got before. He got over to one of the computers and turned on the machine, one of the screens went blank. "Okay Cisco, try to vibe the thing you saw," Harrison said. Cisco nodded and began to think about what he saw in the vibe. As he began to vibe the blank screen flickered until the image was cleared, it was too fast to catch any of it. Chase walked over and used the vibe to turn it into a type of video. "This should help us see it at our actual speed," Chase said as he pulled it up and pressed play. It was Dalton and Reverse-Flash leaving Earth-1 as some type of energy was following them. "Wait, hang on, go back a little," Jessica said to Chase.

Chase backed up the footage until Jessica told him to pause. "Is it just me or does that thing look like that boy from the other earth?" Everyone agreed, the energy had a shape that resembled the boy. "So what, a strange person is just following them and Eobard doesn't even notice," Jessica asks the group. Cisco shook his head and explained that the energy is something that he feels has a hatred towards Eobard. "I don't know why," Cisco adds to them. "But he keeps telling Dalton to find the Arcturion, but he thinks that he's making the choice instead." Caitlin looked at another screen showing the stuff the energy contains. "Well, the energy has human vital signs." She said. "These readings are off the charts, every piece of it is more powerful than all of us combined." Caitlin pulled up the charts and it showed a massive power surge in the shape of a human. "There's a problem though, it's his power," Caitlin said. "Whatever they are, it's causing him to be formed into something that could end up killing him instead." The boy has too much power inside of him. Cisco then remembered what happened when they saw the Arcturion for the first time. "Of course, that's it!" He realized out loud. Cisco then pulled up the data from the Arcturion and compared it to the power. "When we tried to use our powers on the Arcturion it didn't slow it down." He said as he showed everyone the information. "Instead it absorbs it and uses it as a stronger attack." Suddenly a red streak appeared in the room and it was Reverse Flash. "Where's the Arcturion?" He asked. Dalton then geo-leaped into the room and ignited his hand. "You heard him!" He said.

A few moments passed by and no one revealed where the Arcturion was. "Find it!" Eobard said. Dalton nodded and geo-leaped out of the room. "So what're you planning on doing once the Arcturion is in your grasp, Thawne?" Barry asked him. Eobard looked at Barry and walked towards him. "Dalton's a good partner, but a lousy villain." He said to him, revealing that he knew about the fake killing. Barry then realized that he planned to get back at Dalton. "Oh come on, you should know by now that my deals are never permanent." Eobard teased. "At least until the other side is gone." Barry looked at Eobard directly in the eyes, remembering everything that went wrong all because of him. "How many more lives do you have to destroy for you to be done?" He asked him. Eobard just shrugged and smiled at him. "How many lives do I have to destroy before you finally try to kill me?" He asked Barry. Just then, Dalton geo-leaped into the room with the Arcturion in his hands. "Got it." He said. Suddenly the Arcturion began to glow brightly. "What's happening?" Eobard asked. Strange energy began to appear above the rock, growing as it got closer to it. As soon as the energy touched the Arcturion, it was immediately sucked into it and then the rock exploded in Dalton's hands, knocking him backward.

As the smoke cleared everyone saw a boy standing in the middle of the room, Dalton couldn't believe it. "Alex?" He asked the boy who remained silent. Eobard then walked over and pulled Dalton off the ground. He then walked over to Alex. "Maybe this can show you what happens when you don't take my orders." He said to Dalton. Eobard began to swing his arm into Alex's chest for a kill strike, but Alex caught his arm. Eobard tried his hardest but was unable to phase through his hand. Alex looked at him and then pushed his hand in front of him, sending him flying towards a wall. "How is this possible?" He asked as he got onto his feet. Alex pushed his hand out, sending a small wave of energy into Eobard. "What was that supposed to do?" He laughed. Eobard began to run but to his surprise, his speed was gone. Alex walked over to him and knocked him down. "I figured it was time to do something that no one else could," Alex told him. Eobard just laughed at him, thinking he was stupid. "No one has ever killed me, kid." He told Alex. "And they have tried." Alex rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Well, that's just it Thawne." He said as he stood over him. "None of them were me." He grabbed one of Eobard's arms and his eyes began to glow. Eobard suddenly shouted out in pain as he began to disintegrate. "What are you?" He asked Alex. Alex didn't move but did tell him something. "Well, thanks to you." He started saying. "I am Arcturion." Eobard finished disintegrating and Alex absorbed his speed. This was both a surprise and relief for everyone, the great Reverse-Flash was finally dead. And thanks to the abilities of the Arcturion, he would never return.

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