Chapter Three

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I wake to a pounding headache and look around at my new surroundings. I look to be in a cave of some sort. The ceiling is made of stone, but the floor is covered in cement, so maybe not a cave. I twist off the bed I'm on and my feet land on a plush rug that covers most of the cement. I still wear my satin dress, but my silver heals are gone. I check my neck and breathe a sigh of relief when I feel my necklace still in place.

I look around the room again and notice that there is nothing else in the room besides the bed. There's a door to my right and ignoring the dizziness in my head, I stand. I put a hand against the wall to steady myself and slowly make my way to the door. I test the knob, expecting it to be locked, but am pleasantly surprised when it opens for me.

I look out into what looks like an underground tunnel. Someone decorated the place to make it look like a normal hallway, but the stone ceiling ruins the effect. I hear voices down one tunnel so I decide to go in the opposite direction. As I drift farther down the tunnel the voices start to fade and my panic starts to grow. I have to find a way out of here.

When an opening in the side of tunnel opens up, I hesitate. Should I continue straight or head left, into the new tunnel? Looking left, I see nothing but darkness. At least if I continue straight I'll have light. Fearing the darkness, I refuse to go left.

My feet carry me forward and I keep walking without knowing what I might walk into. "Where are you going?" A voice from behind me asks.

I jump and turn to the voice and then I run. This time I hear footsteps behind me because the man stomps his feet as he chases after me. I don't get far before a hand wraps around my arm. I'm pulled to a stop and forced to face my attacker.

"The golden-eyed girl is awake," is all he says. I may be the golden-eyed girl, but he is the emerald-eyed boy. His eyes are an unnatural green that can only be compared to emeralds.

"Where am I?" I ask. "Where's Anahi? What have you done with the princess?"

"Princess Anahi? She's probably safe inside the palace walls by now." His response calms some of my nerves, at least Anahi is out of harm; that is if he's being honest. He has trusting eyes and a slightly chubby face, he's also not very tall.

"You didn't take her?" I ask, my voice shaking slightly.

"We didn't want her." The young man's voice is too positive in this situation. He doesn't sound anything like I'd expect a kidnapper to sound, but his kind voice doesn't deter me from understanding the end result.

"You want to kill me?" I ask. Sahil always said that as long as I am alive, I am in danger. It's one of the reasons he kept me inside the palace with so many guards protecting me. While the North is accepting and willing to give me seventeen years of life, other places are not. My birth threatens the peace that has lasted for centuries. It even threatens the whole world. Sahil once told me that the other three societies will do anything to stop the apocalypse, which means they'll kill me the second they get the chance.

The young man doesn't look surprised by my question. "No," he says. "We want to save you."

I shake my head, "You can't save me, no one can. I am destined to end all of humanity, I must die." Everyone has heard of the prophecy, so he must know that I cannot be saved.

"There's a lot you don't know, but I'm not supposed to tell you anything. Follow me and I'll bring you to someone who can answer all your questions." He starts walking away from me and after hesitating for only a second, I decide to follow him.

He inclines his head down towards me, "I'm Winslow by the way. Ah, Winn for short." He holds out his hand, but I shake my head. He laughs, "This is where you tell me your name."

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