Chapter Fifteen

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We're finally far enough away from the Breather, that the smoke is finally clearing up. I make my way to the throne room, with Desmond following closely behind. Since I lost both of my knives entering the palace, in my hand now, is a small gun. I hold it like I was taught to and shoot at anything that isn't in our army's attire.

We pass multiple windows and I don't look out to see the damage. I do note that the violence outside is quieter now and possibly coming to an end. I take a finally deep breath when I see the door that leads into the throne room.

When I open the door, there are already people inside. In this room are an injured General Kai, and four guards that were overpowered by our men. Arlo has his sword out and is standing off the side. His eyes are alight and when they land on me, they cast a glow so bright, I can hardly see at all. His eyes are like the sun, if you stare at them long enough, they'll burn you.

I look away from Arlo and see who else is here. Tulsa is now visible and comes to stand at our side. I look behind me at Desmond and notice that he is surrounded by more of his own men. Then I look at what everyone else is staring at, the throne. Sitting on the massive throne is the most important person here, Sahil. Now that I have time to think, I aim my hatred towards him.

"Why?" I ask Sahil with my gun also aimed straight at him. "I need answers and I need the truth." With the war behind me, I focus all my energy on getting answers.

"About what?" He asks totally unafraid. No one touches him, but every single weapon here is aimed at him and his people.

"About everything-the prophecy, the Gods, the Ungifteds. Why lie?" My voice is desperate, my need for answers overpowering.

Sahil takes a deep breath and I prepare myself for what he's about to say. "The Gods are losing their power and control. Their power is linked to the Ungifted. With every ungifted child that is born, it steals away more of the Gods power. Those eyes of yours, it's like they leach the Gods power to form those striking colors. You may be ungifted, but you are powerful. You all have the ability to take from the Gods what they love most; power and control.

"The Gods created the prophecy in hopes of eliminating the Ungifteds without having to do it themselves. See, the Gods can't kill, but humans can. With the threat of the apocalypse hanging on the shoulders of the ungifteds, you were easy targets. With the humans so afraid that an ungifted child would end the world, they started to kill them. Some waited until they were older, using them as slaves first and then killing them, but once one ungifted dies, another one soon replaces it. The cycle repeats itself over and over again."

Finally getting answers is lifting more and more weights off my tiny shoulders. I need have more questions though, and I need more answers. "So why parade me around the palace? Why name me the savior; The Salvare? Why the whole charade?" I ask.

"Because..." Sahil suddenly sounds exhausted, I guess finally realizing he lost this battle. "I couldn't kill you. I knew what I had to do, what the Gods wanted me to do, but I just couldn't do it. So, I waited until you were older, in hopes that I would find the courage to do what needed to be done. To make up for it, I gave you a privileged life. I told you time and time again-just because you must die, does not mean you do not deserve to live."

"How do you know about the connection between the Ungifted and the Gods?" Arlo asks, clearly stuck on the whole connection part.

"The Gods entrusted us four rulers with the truth and as a reward for our loyalty, we were given immortality. If we hold up our end of the deal-which is to keep the prophecy alive and make sure the ungifted die-then we will live forever."

"Live forever and always in power," Arlo remarks. Sahil looks pointedly at me, "You were the first ungifted child to ever be born in the Northern Society. I've never laid eyes on an ungifted before you came along. I know I've lied to you about everything, but I do care for you."

"You're only saying that so I won't pull the trigger."

"No, I'm telling you because I need you to know that before you pull the trigger."

"Why, so I can live the rest of my life with the guilt of your death hanging over me?" I already have dozens of deaths hanging over me, his might just send me over the edge, though.

"No, so you live knowing that you had a family; we were your family." I want to believe Sahil, but he's lied to me about so much, his words mean nothing to me now. All I've ever wanted was a family and now he's using it against me.

I tighten my hands around my gun, "There once was a time when I cared for you, but in the end you were always going to be the one to execute me. My fate has changed and so has yours. Now, Sahil," I say, my voice as cold and unforgiving as the ocean. "Would you rather die by my hands or from the hands of our God?"

"I think it's only fair if you pull the trigger," Sahil's voice is tinged with defeat as he whispers his final words.

My eyes study the man in front of me as I lower my gun. No matter how angry I am, I am not capable of executing a man pointblank, but others are not as merciful as I am. The sound of gunfire and the sight of a bullet whizzing through the air has me shrieking. My head swivels back in the direction of where the shot came from. Desmond.

"He didn't have to die!" I scream. "You didn't have to kill him!" I run up to Sahil, but there is no hope for his survival. The bullet left a gaping hole in the center of his forehead.

"He needed to die," Desmond says. "You of all people know that. How else would you be able to take the throne?"

Oh, for the love of all that's holy, "I'm never taking the throne!" I shout at Desmond.

"Unfortunately, that is not for you to decide."

"Excuse me?" I ask.

"Guards, take her!" Desmond orders.

Before I can comprehend what is happening, two guards rush me and grab ahold of my arms. "Arlo!" I scream, desperate for help. The men drag me towards the throne and my eyes lock on Arlo, who is being pinned, violently, against the wall. His sword clatters to the ground and his eyes are blazing a fire strong enough to burn down cities. He struggles against his captors just as strongly as I do mine. My scream is a wave that crashes onto the shore during a severe storm. The guards manhandle me backwards and force me onto the throne.

"Arie!" Arlo shouts, desperate to help, but unable to do so.

My heart beats erratically as I realize what's happening. I squeeze my eyes shut as I feel my essence seep into the throne and then into the Northern Society. This must be what it feels like to be gifted-feeling connected to the whole world and feeling as though a simple flick of the wrist could send it all crashing down. I don't want to open my eyes and face reality, but I have to. For so long, I've been afraid of anything and everything. I shove that fear aside and slowly, very slowly, open my eyes.

Everything looks the same, but it all feels different. My hands tingle with the power, but I remain powerless. I'm still ungifted and I'm still afraid. My eyes seek Arlo and he's slumped against the wall, still being held up by two men. His eyes are the same ruby shade of red, but the fire in them is gone, it's like the sun burned out. He knows I didn't want this, but what I want doesn't matter anymore. I am now the ruler of the Northern Society and there's nothing I can do about it.

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