Dan woke up, cold and dreary, due the noise outside of the room. The loud voices and locker doors created a static buzz in his muddy brain. He didn't want to move at all when the people were outside, in fear of making any noise. He was especially concerned about knocking over the vacuum that was directly to the right of his numb body.

When the mulled voices dulled, he grabbed his homework out of his bag along with the flashlight, if he was going to skip classes, he might as well do the homework. 

After about an hour of doing his homework, he hears the chatter again. Slipping the things back into his bag, he sits and waits, bunched up in a corner with a soft-rose coloured blanket. Waiting for the people to pass, he was careful not to knock anything over because he leaned on it.

Than he heard the the door creak open.

He felt crazy, knees to his chest in the corner of a storage closet.

Than he heard the click of the light switch. The lights hesitated, buzzing and florescent. 

White lighting cast over the cluttered room. Dan was scared of who it was. If it was a teacher, he was sure to get in trouble. If it was another student, he'd probably be bullied.


OMG A LITTLE sTORY--- (u dont need to read this

i was texting with a boy I liked (we were rlly good frens) from schoo and i said "the current state of my life is drinking lots of green tea and crying while listening to halsey" and he responded with "cute" and nOW iM DyING

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2017 ⏰

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