Bow Ties

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    Bow Ties

    "I look like an idiot."

    "You do not."

    "Why do I have to wear I tie. It won't make a difference if I do or not. It's not like they're going to stop the ceremony because I'm tie-less."

    "Stop your whining Darren." I scold, fixing the dark blue bow tie around his collar. He lifts his head willingly letting me help him. His scruff is trimmed closer to his face, he looks amazing. "Besides. You look great. Once the ceremony is over, feel free to throw your tie off. But keep it near by because I'm keeping it in a scrap book."

    His Adams apple bobbed, a small laugh falling out of his lips. "Scrap book?" He questioned. I just shrugged, smiling lightly, straightening the tie before taking a step back. Darren looked at me with the gray eyes that I've grown to know so well.

    "Well yeah." I say, walking to the dresser in our bedroom, Darren officially moved in two months after Symon left. Leaving his small bedroom in Jeremy's house. He had been living with me since Star came along really, but he only officially moved his Xbox two months afterwards. And we all know a man doesn't live with you, until his gaming unit lives with you. "I want our kids to be able to look back at our bonding ceremony and see more then just pictures."

    This time he actually laughed, he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, his breath on my neck. "The big bad Alpha is going to scrap book for kids he doesn't even have yet."

    I groaned, irritated and pushed him away, turning to face him. "I'm sure Star would love looking back at today."

    "I'm sure Star wouldn't."

    "Would you shut up already?"

    "You're cute when you're annoyed." I huffed, throwing my arms in the air just as someone knocked on our bedroom door. Elis looked in after Darren called him to come in.

    "They're ready for you downstairs." He said, poking his head back out.

    "Well Lassy, looks like its time to get bonded."


    We stood in the clearing with Lake Marshall beside us. Our hands bound together with a golden silk. Next to us Jeremy read out of a book, speaking his words for our happiness and long life to the Goddess. A bitter sweet thing for him I'm sure.

    This moment was bitter sweet for me as well. Symon and I had a few conversations about both our bonding's. How we would both stand as a right hand man for the other. But after waiting nearly a year for Symon to come back. Our ceremony couldn't wait any longer. We wanted it done, out of the way. We wanted to be official.

    Bonding ceremonies were much like the humans weddings, actually the humans based their weddings off our ceremony. Though where the Christensen had a minister, We had a family member. More often then not it was the father of the female, or mother of the male. But Jeremy was the only parent Darren or I had.

    And a best man was also something humans used. To my right stood no one. We had put a small table behind where a person would stand, and put the tie Symon's would wear on it along with a candle that we lit before the vows began. And behind Darren stood Star. Looking his best in the suit we forced him to wear. His hair was parted to one side, gelled down to his head much like Darren's.

    Though we had both gotten our hair cut in similar fashion, My hair was gelled up and back, where his was to the side.

    "And now she wills it, us too upon love. The goddess will watch you from high above. And though thee might struggle. Though meals may be missed. The Goddess she wills it. And it too shall be sealed with a kiss." Jeremy finished, closing the old book I had found in with my mother's things. "Before you both finish here Silas, Though I know you're dying to get to the kissing. Darren has instructed me to wait, as he has a few words he would like to share with you."

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