LEAST Favorite Place

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Raze's POV

I shifted in my small cage, pacing. I just had a dream of open fields, fresh prey, a strong mate, being proud of cubs I never would have.

I remember those fields, fresh prey, my mother. I was captured, kidnapped from the wild.

Five men came upon me and my father, the leader of the pride. They came up to us, not like the frilly people with flashing lights, and shouting men leading them.

They circled us, and my father growled, then jumped forward and slashed the lead man. The other men jumped back and fired their guns.

He fell to the ground, blood seeping from numerous wounds, pooling on the ground.  They walked forward and picked me up, a defenseless cub.

I was shoved in a cage, transported to a city, and sold to a circus. I was beaten into submission, then "trained" to be an excited and happy, to do tricks.

I barely remember those fields, that freedom. My cage rattles against the boards of the car.

The hole in the car let's in some fresh air, so we're all not totally miserable. Sudenly the train screeches to a stop, lurching our cages forward.

The door to the car slammed open, and three rough looking trainers with whips stalked in. They pulled the cages off the shelves and tossed them onto the hard gravel.

I looked up and immediately recognized where we were. My LEAST favorite place on the tour.

New York City.


I am SOOOO happy to say that I FINALLY can acess Behind the Curtain again! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, it was different, tell me if you enjoyed it in Raze's POV!

See you all later!

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