Mrs. Potato Head

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Mrs. Potato Head by Melanie Martinez

If you weren't born with it,

I'm in high school right now. My name is Karmin, but most people call me Kara. I'm not sure about myself. I'm not sure about anything, really. I like to sleep. I'm not shy, but if you are a bossy, snippy bitch, then I'm 'overrated'. I love amusement rides and anything fast. I hate my small town, and I love rock music.

You can buy a couple ornaments.

I have dark brown, curly hair and olive skin. I have electrifyingly green eyes. I am not startled easily, and I can take a hit, as well as throw one. I hate school because that's where all the types of people I hate hang out. Even though I'm easily distracted and can't sit completely still for long, I love to sit and listen to my girlfriend sing for hours on end.

Just be sure to read the warning, kids.

Yes, I did say girlfriend. Yes, I did mean in the romantic sense. No, I'm not kidding. Her name is Adeline. She has blonde hair and warm chocolate eyes. She loves to wear huge sweaters and cuddle. She's adorable.

Cause pretty soon you'll be bored of it.

Now, let me tell you some other things about myself. There are exactly five people in my life that make it a living hell. There is also one person that makes life heaven, but you can guess who that is. This story is the story of how the people who make my life hell took away my only sunspot.


Since I have plenty of time, first I'll explain who exactly these terrible 'people' are. First, there is Taylor. Taylor is your stereotypical white girl trash. She is a slut. She flirts with every guy until she has them in her bed. She isn't too bright. She thinks that whatever she says goes. Which isn't true to me or Adeline, so she despises us.

Hey girl, if you wanna feel sexual.

Then, there's her polar opposite. Her name is Kristien. She's smart and prettier than most. She's not a slut, but she's the type of girl who only wants a guy who's in a relationship. She is conniving and it's better to avoid telling anyone who might contact her about your relationship, so most relationships are secrets.

You can always call up a professional.

Then, there is their leader, Alli. Alli is a combination of the two. She's smart, but she is a slut. She hates anyone wearing a cuter outfit then her, and men yearn to be with her until they actually date her. I hate this girl, but she hates me with every fiber of her being.

They stick pins in you like a vegetable.

The next person to speak of is Adeline's parents. Her parents despise her, me, and our relationship whole heartedly. They talk trash about us in church of all places. They tried to break us up twenty times in just these recent six months, and they are constantly sending her to straight therapy, where she is tortured with slaps, punches, and electric shocks.

Kids forever.

I'm not one to whine or rant, but this has been crushing me slowly from the inside for a while. I mean, I can't really stop them at all, but it really is ridiculous. These people are childish. I hate it. I hate them. I just can't keep silent anymore.

Kids forever.

Now, let me tell you the story of how my heart was shattered, stepped on, and thrown into the path of an oncoming bus. This is the story of how my girlfriend of two years betrayed me and her promise of forever. I will start from the very beginning of my absolutely awful week.

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