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Ugly by Nicole Dollanganger

You say they make fun of your body.

Is 'they' the bullies or the voices inside your own head? I ask because neither of the voices matter. They only voice that matters is the ones that encourage you. The ones that say 'You are good enough.' or 'You are perfect.' because at least those voices aren't lying.

Humiliation in your eyes when you told me.

Why are you ashamed or afraid to tell me you're feeling down?
I care about you no matter how you feel. We may be strangers who will never meet in person, but that means nothing. I care about you, more than you know.

Well, I'm going to make them really fucking sorry.

Are the voices or the bullies talking? I ask because they both are the same thing. The voices' and the bullies' words both force you to do things you don't deserve.

You said you're embarrassed of your body.

Why? It's just as perfect as your personality, which is just absolutely beautiful. I don't care if I've ever seen you or talked to you before in my life, I think you're beautiful.

You told me you think you're really ugly.

I still don't understand why. Am I ugly? No? That's what I thought. Then, you aren't either, and don't you even dare say we don't look the same because that doesn't matter.

Well my love, I know you don't see what I see.

If you saw yourself through my eyes, I know you'd change your mind. No matter how set you think you have it. I wish I could come up with better ways to describe you. Perfect, beautiful, pretty, handsome, brilliant, smart, genius, I could go on and on, but maybe 'perfectly imperfect' fits the best.

Anything that is beautiful people want to break, and you are beautiful, I'm afraid.

Truly, each and every person is perfect. Really, I think that this fact is true. We shouldn't live in world where people would rather die than be who they are.

Anything that is beautiful people want to break, and you are beautiful, I'm afraid.

Why are you trying to convince me you're the exception? You're not, you never could be. No one is. You are as perfect and unique as each star. No one has a personality and body just like yours.

You said you're ashamed of your body.

You ask me for one example of why anyone would want to look like you. I could come up millions. You're just so... amazing. I wish you could see that.

You'd rather die than show me, but I would love you in any form you'd take.

Well, it's because if you look past your own flaws, I'm sure you wouldn't want to be anyone else. No one but yourself because that's who you where made to be.

You said they say you're disgusting that they told you that you are fat and unworthy.

You should never be so fucking upset with your body that you would damage it. Never ever in a million, no billion years.

Well my love, I hope you trust me when I say you have a perfect body.

You shouldn't want to scar, burn, cut, starve, or kill off yourself or your body. That would bring down the community around you so much, and yes, you will be worried about or missed.

Anything that is beautiful people want to break, and you are beautiful, I'm afraid.

You really are beautiful in your own special way. From your pretty smile to your sparkling eyes that crackle with life. I don't want to ever see them dull or lifeless again.

Anything that is beautiful people want to break, and you are beautiful, I'm afraid.

I know you may not believe me whether you're one of my friends or just some stranger I've never met, but you are perfect in every single little way and with every single little flaw.

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