Chapter 3

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Bella's P.O.V.

The bell had just rung and I was at my locker putting some books away that I didn't need. After I closed my locker, I turned around to get to class and I saw Danny at his locker.

Sneaking up behind him, he didn't even notice I was there until...


He screamed and turned around faster than a flash of lightning, then slammed against the lockers, scared out of his mind. I saw him relax when he realized it was me and I couldn't help but laugh. He shook his head, giving me a blank look.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny. Slamming against lockers hurts, you know." I ignored his comment and shifted the books in my arms.

"Ready for the last period of the day?" I asked as we started to walk down the hall.

"I guess. Let's just say Mr. Lancer isn't my overall favorite teacher." I nodded out of understanding.

We arrived at the last classroom we'd be in for the day for the last subject of the day: algebra. Personally, I don't mind it, unlike a lot of other people, but that's just my opinion. It's a lot better than writing out 12-step proofs in geometry.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Lancer," I said, cheerily with a smile plastered on my face.

"Ah, good afternoon, Miss Kohl." He directed his attention to Danny. "Mr. Fenton, I see you're on time today. Let's hope it stays that way for the rest of the school year."

Danny mumbled under his breath while walking to his desk in the third center row. I sat down next to him, putting my books underneath the desk. Soon enough, the classroom was filled with students and the bell rang. Mr. Lancer walked up to the front of the room, writing something on the board.

"Does anyone know what this is?" No one raised their hand, so I did. "Miss Kohl?"

All eyes were suddenly on me. "It's a quadratic equation."

"Yes, that's correct and in order to solve this quadratic equation we will be using the quadratic formula." He wrote down the formula on the board. "Now, everyone try solving the equation that's on the board." Groans were heard all around the room as I begun working out the problem in my open notebook. Within two minutes I had finished the problem and looked up, waiting for everyone else to finish.

A little more time passed before Mr. Lancer asked for the answer. Again, no one raised their hand, leaving me to do it for them. I was called on once more of, as far as I could tell, many times.

"X equals negative two or positive seven." Oh man, this is going to be a long school year.

Danny's P.O.V.

It seemed like it took forever for the final bell to ring. When it did, though, everyone hustled out of the classroom. Of course, I had to be the last one in the classroom, leaving me alone with Mr. Lancer. After picking up my things, I high-tailed it out of the room before I could get called back in.

Walking through the halls, I thought about how different things are turning out without having Sam and Tucker here. The picture of us three is still in the back of my locker. If it wasn't for Bella being here, I probably wouldn't have any friends at all.

'Tucker would've hit on Bella from the start.' I chuckled at my own thought. 'Sam would've... who knows what Sam would've done? She acts different with almost everyone. Although, if I could take a guess, Sam would treat her like she used to treat Paulina.' I sighed, reaching my locker. One school day down, 179 more to go.

I was about to close my locker when I heard a voice from across the hall. Turning around, I saw Paulina talking to Bella who was rolling her eyes at almost every sentence being spoken. Bella had replied to something she said and Paulina stomped off like she did at lunch, leaving Bella with a slight smirk.

Quickly, I turned back to my locker and shut it before maneuvering my way over to Bella's locker. She had just closed hers and turned around as I got there.

"What was that about?" I questioned just as we started to walk down the hallway and out of the school.

"Nothing, just Paulina being Paulina.  A few weeks ago, there was a ghost in the park that I swear was about to attack me until some ghost boy came and took care of him. After that he brought me home."

'Yeah, I know. That ghost boy was me...' I thought to myself.

"So when she mentioned a ghost boy to me and described him, I told her what had happened. Then, she just started ranting about how the ghost boy was hers and I have to stay away from him. That's when I told her that she couldn't tell me what I can or can't do and she stormed off. So, yeah, that's what happened." I nodded my head, believing that actually happened.

"You know she practically has a shrine of m- the ghost boy in her locker." I almost let my secret slip, I have to be more careful. I don't know if she can be trusted with my secret... just yet anyway.  Hopefully, she didn't notice my slip up.


Ooooh. Do you think Bella noticed Danny's little mistake? Let me know what you think of this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it! :)

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