Chapter 22 ~ The Aftermath

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Chapter 22- The Aftermath

I was still sitting in Adrian's blood when the police came, everyone was screaming, and freaking out. My dad and Jacob were there, trying to help me but I was in such shock I couldn't even move.

"Tell me what happened" those were the words that everyone kept saying to me, I wanted to tell them but I couldn't get the words out with out shaking to much. The police were making sure he was died, but I already knew he was. I had killed someone, not just anyone, Adrian. I regreted it, but im glad it was over, I didn't have him stalking me anymore, but he used to be my friend. He has a mother and father, probably siblings, and I just killed him.

"Come on Kayleen" Jacob pretty much had to carry me because I was shaking so bad.

"your okay baby, everything is going to be okay" I just shook my head 'no'. nothing is going to be okay, I just flipping killed someone! I had already been questioned by the police, I didn't say anything to them, I couldn't. Once we were back at my house I just walked upstairs and Jacob followed. I looked around my room and walked to the bathroom, I needed to clean myself up. he grabbed me some clean clothes and I changed into them. I felt so sick, there was still blood on my hands. I grabbed a towel and rubbed them until they hurt, then Jacob came and took the towel, because otherwise I would have just kept rubbing them.

When my mom heard she freaked out, the whole night she came and checked on me every five minutes, most of the night I ended up in the living room with her, because I felt bad making her walk up and down the stairs so many times. I still hadn't said a word all night. I was glad my parents and Jacob were respecting that and not trying to make me talk, I would talk when I was ready.

Through dinner everyone was trying to avoid the subject, but you could tell it was on everyone's mind, I just killed someone. After Jacob went home and my mom wwnt to bed me and Wayne were in the living room watching a movie.

"Look you don't have to tell me anything, but I'm a great listener" I looked at him and sighed, I was shaking when I said the first word.

"I didn't want to kill him"

"No one wants to kill, but sometimes we have to"

"I thought he would stop bothering me if I just talked to him you know? but then he freaked out"

"and so you shot him?" I know Wayne didn't try to be mean, but my emotions were all over the place, I started tearing up.

"sorry, Kayleen" I just snuggle deeper into his chest and fall asleep.


The next morning I awoke to my dad moving around, he had stayed with me all night.

"Kayleen, I made your favorite, chocolate chip pancakes" my mom calls from the kitchen.

"Thanks" I walk to the kitchen and sit down. but just looking at food makes me sick, and I end up playing with it a lot more then eating it.

"Whats wrong Kayleen?"

"Nothing, its good mom" I take a bite but feel like im going to throw up.

"okay, well its rude not to eat so make sure you eat everything"

"mom I can't,  I think im going to throw up" I try running upstairs but end up just vomiting all over the floor.

"im sorry" I looked at them nervously.

"its okay dear, you don't have to go to school today, go to your room" I walked upstairs and lay down. I'm not sure what brought that on, maybe I was still in shock. I heard a knock on my door and it was my mom.

"Kayleen, Jacob used protection right?"


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