Chapter 27 ~ My Birthday - Part 2

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Chapter 27- My Birthday - Part 2

Jacob was walking me home, it was pretty late, probably at least midnight.

"Jacob, I think this was the best day of my life"

"me too" he kissed me one last time before I opened the door.

"Kayleen get the fuck in here, you too Jacob" Jacob looked terrified as we walked threw the door, I was used to Wayne yelling, so I was calm.

"where were you today?"

"she was with me Ms. Wright"

"you skipped school?"

"yes ma'am"

"you are such a bad influence on her! I don't want you dating my daughter, I don't want you to even talk to her anymore" my mom was beyond pissed off, and I was getting more nervous.

"ma'am, I don't think I am, but if you want me to stop dating her, I will respect that and stop"

"Goodbye Jacob, oh and if you try to sneak around with her, we will find out"

"yes ma'am, bye Kayleen" he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and hugged me.

"it'll be okay" he whispers in my ear. And turns around and lets himself out.

"I don't even know what to say to you"

I shugged, I was pissed at her.

"Its my birthday, he actually made me happy on my birthday, thats more then you ever have done" I felt tears roll down my cheeks, I really loved that boy.

"quit with the pity party Kayleen"

"quit treating me like a fucking little kid! im fucking 15 now! and you weren't even here to tell me 'happy birthday' its not like I fucking expected it though, you never ever told me that before"

"don't swear at me, you know I wish I could have been there all those years okay, and I said im sorry and I am"

"and about that whole, 'I didn't want to be lied to again' you never ever fucking trust me do you? you think I'm always lying to you don't you?"

"If you would be honest with me, I wouldn't have to question it"

"fuck you! your such a fucking bitch!" I ran up the stairs, and cried harder, how did this night turn so bad so fast? I grabbed the knife and cut myself until I couldn't bare the pain, then cut some more, I hated my mom! Jacob wouldn't return texts, and I was freaking out. he was to much of a gentleman to even think about trying to sneak our relationship. I was so pissed at my mom, she just ruined the only good thing I had in my life; at least it felt like that at the time. I felt so dizzy, but different from the other times I passed out, this felt worse. I heard a knock on my bedroom door, then blacked out..

Jacob's POV

I felt horrible that Kayleen's mom felt that way about me, but maybe she was right; maybe the best thing for Kayleen was for me to stay away from her. She kept texting me saying how much she loved me, and I wanted to return them so bad, but I couldn't. I needed to stay out of her life, thats what her parents wanted. Well, she has to switch schools in a few days, and as hard as it is, I would just have to avoid her until then.

My dad is.. (Lil Wayne fan fic) |EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now