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OMG! Thank you guys for 1k!

To be honest, I don't think I would have thought I would get that many reads. Hell, I didn't think I would get any reads. 

When I started writing these stories, I didn't think anyone would even be interested in the books I write.

 So, I would personally, but too personally, thank every single one of you! So one you guys have enough courage, not like you need that much; I'm not really rude or anything and I am just as intimidating as a pink butterfly or spoon: to reach out to me and become friends. Which I don't mind. I mean if you guys talk to me and reach out and all that stuff we could become friends with in time. Not that we aren't already. Anyway, I just want to say thank you guys so much, and if you guys have any chapter or story ideas feel free to let me know. I have been thinking about writing a YouTuber preferences book, but I don't know yet. Also, I will be updating the actual story soon, so keep your eyes open for the updates, whenever they come out. Saying that last sentence made feel like Dan(iel)or(isnotonfire) when he did the end of his diss track. Which, I highly recommend checking out.

Thank you guys so much!


p.s- should I do a preference book? Let me know.  Also, I found two coke bottles with the name Abigail on them, but then when we get home, we can"t find any bottles with my name on them. Oh, and I also found one with the name Daniel and Philip but my mom and grandma made me change check out lanes before I could get a picture of the coke that said, Philip. I also got Dan and Phil's book, "The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire."


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