Chapter Two

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It was all in flashes.

If I jumped now, I wouldn't release my parachute.

Someone had the nerve to take my hand.

"Marilyn," said the voice, and somehow he didn't say it in English.

Everything cleared. Fluffy white dresses and her soft high voice, her sexualness in her time, the haircut...

I had to skydive. Kill. Nine millimeter Sig Sauer.

"Thank you," I got up and put on my parachute. Pewds smirked.

"Anytime," he said, giving me a mock salute before tumbling out of the chopper backwards.

I grinned and leapt out after him. For a second we were right next to each other, falling towards the jungle. I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.

"Good luck," I whispered, before pulling the cord on my chute.

As we fell towards the ground, slowly, the parachutes seemed to light up like 'here I am! Look at the enemies!' Things were good for around two seconds, and then we heard the machine guns. All I could do was pray for him. His lips were moving, like he was praying. It took me a second to realize he was saying one word over and over.


I hit the jungle ground, whirling around and firing two shots at an enemy who had been tearing through the bush.

"RUN! THEYRE AFTER US, RUN!" I yelled out to the area in general, before I saw Pewds with his parachute stuck in a tree. "Pewds?! PEWDS!?" I ran over to him. We couldn't afford to have a fighter down right now.

"Cut the fucking parachute off me." He hissed through his teeth. His arms had tangled in the straps, completely cutting off his movement.

"I..." I fumbled around for a second, mentally cursing myself for leaving my utility knife behind.

"Belt, belt," he said, his voice strained. I looked down, and blood. Pewds had been hit in the stomach. I swallowed and ignored it, reaching for one of the numerous knives on his belt. He jumped slightly

"LEFT, LEFT," he yelled. I whipped around and fired three shots into the chest of an enemy. I kept my back to the tree as I ripped the knife out of the sheath and tossed the knife to the Swede, keeping my gun trained on the surrounding forest. He quickly cut himself free and landed in a crouch. Three men burst into the clearing, only to be dropped three seconds later, two with shots to the head, the third a knife to the throat. I flicked a sweaty lock of hair out of my eyes and smirked.

"Looks like the bullets were faster than the gun, Pewds," I challenged. Pewds barked out a short laugh.

"Felix." He said.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"My name is Felix, and do you have a bandage? An extra shirt? Uh... Fuck." He looked down at the wound, which had stopped bleeding as much, but was still pretty bad.

"Here, use this," I took my jacket off and cut it into strips with one of Felix's knives, leaving me in a black tank top.

"Thanks. Let's go, there should be more. Give her back?" Felix held his hand out. It took me a second to remember his knife. I handed it to him, and we ran through the dense jungle. We had hardly been running for ten minutes when we ran into a guard that Felix didn't knife quickly enough. The scream sent guards back on our trail. Vegetation slapped against our legs, bullets hitting trees around our head. Pain exploded in my thigh as one of the bullets found its mark. I stumbled and kept running. The building was coming up fast.

Felix reached it first, jumping up off the wall and onto the roof. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up with him. I barely took a breath before I turned around and dropped the rest of our pursuers with pistol shots to the head.

"How are we going to get in there?" Felix's voice was hard, and his hand was pressing extremely hard on his stomach.

"We walk in," I shrugged. "They invited us."

"I'm about to pass out from blood loss, you think that was enough of a warm welcome?" Felix took a deep breath. "I haven't seen Marzia in a year and half. I wonder if she looks different."

I gritted my teeth, yanking left over strips of my jacket around my thigh.

"Get up, or else you'll never know," I growled. "If you don't keep fighting until you collapse, then you'll never see her as the Felix she used to know. You'll only see her as a cowardly piece of shit who could only do things halfway."

Pewds blinked, and then laughed lightly.

"Sorry, I got distracted," he said, pulling himself up. "Let's do this."

I ran, ignoring the pain in my thigh. My hands were clenched tightly around my one remaining gun, the knuckles tuning white. Felix followed behind me, two knives held in front of his chest, ninja style. His breathing came in labored gasps. As we rounded the corner of the building, he dropped, his face a mask of pain.

"I'm sorry, I," he gasped.

I paused, scowling. He still couldn't go through to the end. He saw my scowl and chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'll be in there. I'm staying here to signal Cry," he coughed, his lips staining red with blood. "Don't wait for us. You love her. Go."


"Go, you work alone. If shit goes wrong- Marilyn," His voice contorted with pain. "If I die out here, kill that asshole pilot for me." And with that, he collapsed onto the ground, desperately fighting to stay concious. I nodded, turning around and setting my jaw.

"Marilyn," I whispered, and burst through the doors.

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