Getting him back

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After the situation with kanye and the kissing there have rumors  spread all over social media that kanye and i are not getting a divorce  no more which was stupid because  we are and i can't wait for him to get on the plane in 5 minutes  time for his Pablo tour . These past 7 days have been so hard for me . But im so glad that North could see her dad and she was so happy to see her and im so glad have
Her in my life because  she is my inspiration. 

An hour later

Cristiano pov

I can't  believe  kim used me to get over the fact that her and kanye were having problems i actually was really into her .But i have to get over her why can't  the girls i meet be just kind and stop using  me . Im so angry with kim but i can't stop thinking  about her i even look her up on the internet because that is how much i really  like her but  i can't  be played again by her im not stuipid i wonder iam going to do when i see her.

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