💥Chapter 7: Let's get Educational💥

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First Period (Elemental)

This is the period where the Zodiacs as well as you, the readers learn more about the elements. Yup. I just made this book educational. I will be gathering this information from various sources. Remember, some of the traits and characteristics do not apply to everyone who has the element. But it does sometimes apply to a vast majority of people from that element group.


Fire (Aries, Sagittarius and Leo):

Aries and Sagittarius were two of the people who entered the room early. They took a seat side by side in the center middle of the room.

Having time to spare they started talking about planning another movie night, as well as what movies they should watch.

Time was ticking and just as the late bell was about to ring Leo entered the room sitting by the window. The teacher shot her a side glance, adjusting his glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose.

"Now if everyone can take a seat, I'll be taking attendance then we'll proceed with today's lesson."

Once the teacher finished his attendance it was time to teach.

"Fire elementalist tend to have a personality that can be seen as over dramatic, enthusiastic and outgoing. They make quick decisions, due to relying on their gut instincts."

The class nodded taking some notes down.

"Your traits also include, but are not limited to agressive, ambitious, fearless, selfish, callous, strong and vigorous." He continued.

"As a hero you should try your best to embrace only the heroic qualities and villians the villianous qualities..."

"For example, a hero should not be aggressive unless called for in a battle, and a villian should not be soft unless they want to be destroyed."

Earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn)

Virgo and Capricorn took a seat in the front of the room because they believed that when you're in front you pay attention more.

Taurus came shortly after a chewing a piece of toast he had stolen last minute from the cafeteria. He scanned the room until his eyes landed on Virgo. Virgo was happily talking to Capricorn about who knows what. Taurus rolled his eyes. He popped the rest of his toast in his mouth, chewed, swallowed and walked to the opposite side of Virgo.

Virgo did not yet notice that he had arrived. Taurus leaned down to the person that occupied the desk he so desperately wanted.

That person, was a girl. She wore thick black rimmed glasses. Her hair was up in a tight ponytail. She wore an black oversized shirt with white leggings. The badge that was clipped on the left of her chest read, Hero.

The girl looked up at Taurus, butterflies fluttered in her stomach due to Taurus' killer smile.

"Hey." He chuckled.

"H-H-Hi." She stutters.

"I'm sorry to ask you this but do you mind moving one seat over. This girl here is a friend of mine and I'll be devastated if I can't sit next to her." Taurus said putting on a face of distraught.

"O-Oh... s-sure..." The girl gathered her stuff moving it to the desk to the left.

"Beautiful and nice." Taurus said to the girl his signature smile on his face.

The girl turned red as a firetruck as she moved to the next seat. With that, Taurus sat down.

The teacher -Ms. Earin- walked into the classroom. She wore a button up shirt and dirt brown pants, her hair was up in a messy bun.

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