The Boy Project (O2L)

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 The Scientific Method: and organized way of finding answers to our questions (according to Ms. Sabatino)

STEP 1: Ask a Question

Question: How can I find a boyfriend?


 I am starting this experiment because I have no choice. Well, I have no choice unless you consider being a lifelong boyfriendless social outcast destined to die alone a choice. Which it isn't.

 To be honest with you, I probably would have acted sooner if I'd known how truly desperate my situation was. Which I didn't.

 I was really in the dark about it. As dark as the closet I went into with Kian Lawley last night after he spun the bottle and it pointed to me.

 Kian Lawley is such a dweeb. I've known him since kindergarten. I've grown up a lot since then. Kian hasn't. So I wasn't exactly hoping that I would end up in the closet with Kian on New Year's Eve, but I guess I was a little excited that I might finally find out what it feels like to be kissed. But no. As soon as he shut the door behind us, he took my hand in his. Then he shook it. That's all.

 I'm not exactly glamorous, but it seems like Kian Lawley would jump at the chance to kiss anything with lips. I'm kind of outraged, to tell the truth, that he thought he was no good to kiss me. (Sometimes you have to be out raged to keep from getting hurt.) I mean, what girl walks away from a game of spin the bottle with a handshake? A handshake!

 Even Tabbi, my slightly plump, slightly spacey BFF finally got to experience lip-to-lip contact when she went into the closet with Ricky Dillon, whose parents have apparently lost their senses of smell. If they hadn't, they'd have invested in few bucks of deodorant waaaaay back in sixth grade. Seriously.

 But Tabs, who was completely thrilled by the experience, said his BO didn't bother her because you don't breathe all that much when kissing anyway. Right. Now she's an expert.

 Being jealous of Tabbi and her one-minute kiss with someone who smells worse than my dad's genuine lamb's wool slippers (which at this point have both the appearance and aroma of road kill) is a new low for me.

 When I came home after that disaster of a party, it hit me like a broom handle whacking a piñata: I've never had a boyfriend- not even the holding-hands variety- and practically everyone else has. And it probably wasn't the healthiest thing to do for my self-esteem, but I made a list. Then created a chart. I didn't like the way it turned out at all.


 If they had at least one BF ( any grade, even first, like Tabbi), it counts

Girls in my class (Yes or No)

1). Anna - Yes

2). Gina - Yes

3). Colleen - Yes

4). Tiffany - Yes

5). Tabbi - Yes

6). Dianna - Yes

7). Rosemarie - Yes

8). Athena - Yes

9). Mona - Yes

10). La Tisha - Yes

11). Gabrielle - Yes

12). Sara - Yes

13). Jodi - Yes

14). Kara (me) - No

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