🌜hapter 2

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Sora's POV

I woke up form a dark sleep at 7am to my phone alarm going off. I clicked off then got out of bed.

I walked into the bathroom and did my morning routine before going to the closet.

I grabbed a simple pair off blue jeans and a sleeve less purple t shirt before exiting the closet and getting dressed.

I walked over to Victors room to wake him up, because he can never get up on his own.

I nocked twice and he groaned ,so I just walked in.

I walked over to his bed and took his blanket from over his face saying " come on Victor get up and come downstairs". I walked over to the door and said " if you don't get up I won't get you any coffee while we're out" before exiting.

I walked downstairs and grabbed a pair of black sandals and my black bag before going outside.

I saw Tori sitting on the porch. " Waiting for Vic aren't we" she asked getting up. I nodded and recommended we walked to town since it was good exercise and close. I was about to add that we were also not getting much but Vic came out as I was about to say it so I didn't.

I grabbed Victors convers before locking the door. I gave them to Vic and he looked at me weird before looking at his feet. He had a simple pair of white socs on.

I herd Victoria break out laughing beside me once she also noticed.

After Vic got his shoes one I motioned for them to walk in front of me as we left. While we were walked I examined what my siblings were wearing.

On my right stood Tori.Victoria's long black hair was in a tight French braid. She was wearing a pair of blue and  green tydy  with  white lace , gray leggings, white shorts , and her favorite blue  shirt with the words I'll be there for you when the rain starts to fall in exquisite pattern around an umbrella in a grey green tydy.

And on my left stood Victor with his hair styled messily adorable. He was wearing the same outfit as his twin sister only had white pants on that into a gray instead of gray leggings and white shorts. Somehow they always seem to mach.

As we neared the small cafe we saw yesterday Tori was examining the area while Vic just looked tired.

I laughed at him as we reached the door. I didn't examine the place much and instead walked up to the counter. I asked what Vic and Tori wanted.

Victor said he wanted a vanilla ice coffee with extra  cream and sugar, and Victoria said she wanted a small fruit bowl and lemon tea.

I told them to go find a seat while I ordered.

They nodded and I walked to the register. They woman smiled at me and asked " what can I get for you today"? I replied with" cane I please have one large vanilla ice coffee extra cream and sugar, one medium lemon tea, one small fruit bowl,one medium green tea, and some pancakes please"? She nodded and told me my total.

I paid got my number and went to were Vic and Tori were.

Once we got our food and such we ate before leaving.

Victor and Victoria were chatting on the way back to the house while I was just observing.

Half of the way home we were walked through a large dirt path through the woods that lead to our home when I head a growl.

We all stoped in our place and turned around. There stood a large brown wolf most likely a commer or third in command. Fudge I forgot I was in a packs territory and we didn't hide our sents today.

I pulled the twins behind me as the werewolf shifted and put on the shots he had with him while I averted my eyes. " Come with me rouges" he said as he grabbed my hand. He let go as he satiated walking and I followed as he said " the Alpha and beta are not here right now so you will stay in the dungeon until there back".

I nodded as Victor and Victoria held onto my shirt from behind as we walked.

We walked for a long while before we reached a stone house that was behind what I presume to be the pack house.

The man got three chains from the guard before spinning around to us. They put silver colored metal chains on the twins and wolfsbane laced silver chains on me to make my wolf weak so I won't fight back.

We said nothing as he lead us down into the basement.

He put the twins in a decent cage mumbling they weren't a treat before walking down two more floors and opening a less nice cage and pushing me in.

He walked me to the wall and put one chain like the others around my waist that kept me to the wall and another to my feet before leaving. I mumbled the words overkill much as he left.

I felt weak and slowly dosed off into a restless sleep.

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