Chapter 3

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We carried the wounded solider carefully through the woods. Some on would always say here or there "watch out for a root" or "look out for that big rock".'

"There's the cabin!" Jake announced, he was clearly out of breath but continued to walk on.

My arms felt like they were going to fall off. There were a few strand of hair in my face so my vision wasn't the best right now. I almost tripped over my own foot and fell, thankfully, for me and the soldier, i didn't.

I sighed with relief at the sight of the cabin. We put down the makeshift stretcher and I opened the door. We squeezed in and laid the soldier down on the floor. I sat on the couch for a second and caught my breath, i was surprisingly not sweating as bad as thought i would be. I brushed the hair off my face and took off my flip-flops. I quickly grabbed a glass of water and then pit the cup in the sink. Sarah was already laying her supplies out in a more organized way as she prepared stage two. Jake had ran upstairs and probably collapsed on his bed. Sophie was sitting in a chair at the table, her head resting on the wood.

I heard someone moan and looked at the soldier. He had blinked open his eyes! I stood up and walked over cautiously.

"Where am I?" He rasped and tried to sit up.

"No," Sarah said simply and he turned to look at her.

"Who are you?" He said with confusion.

"She just saved your life so if I were you, i'd listen to her", i said and he looked at me with his deep brown eyes.

He looked at me for a second and laid back down.

I sat back down on the couch, "You crashed. You were lucky we found you and not the wild animals".

"So I am", he replied and Sarah silenced him.

He looked to be around my age and had dark brown hair. 17 and already in the army, it looked like the Alliance was desperate.

"Ow," He winced as Sarah put another cloth on his burns.

"You need help, Sarah?" I asked, I didn't like feeling useless, no matter the situation.

"Sure", she replied as I sat down on the floor next to her.

We did the same procedure with the wet clothes on the visible burns as we did on the beach. The soldier's jacket was torn up, so it didn't protect him well in the crash.

"Sophie, scissors", Sarah said as she removed the cloths from the burns.

Sophie groaned with tiredness. I heard the chair push out and Sophie get up. She handed Sarah the scissors.

"What are you doing?" The soldier asked but kept still. 

"Quiet", I ordered and pushed his head back down.

"Cutting away the fabric around the wounds", Sarah said more nicely and started to cut the jacket.

"Here", the soldier said and sat up.

Before I could push him back down again, he took of the jacket, he had a black t-shirt on under neath, the burn  was almost under the sleeve but not quite.

"Ok, now lay back down", I ordered.

He looked at me and laid back down.

"Is she always this bossy?" he asked Sarah and I heard Sophie laugh from the kitchen area.

I glared at him, he was injured yet could still annoy people.

"We didn't drag you all the way from the beach for nothing", I snapped back.

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