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it's been three weeks since the summer vacations started and it has been well I guess. I just had one problem and its just that I couldn't sleep well in the past few days.

I'm running in the woods fleeing from something that got me very scared. I don't know what it is; the only thing clear is that I need to run faster to g away from it.
When I thought I was safe an explosion happened and I woke up from the nightmare very exalted.

Nathaly will come home tonight. She said that she need to tell me something, I have no idea what she wants to tell me.

*end to the flashback*

We are in the police station, I'm catatonic clenching my hands.

I called my fathers after what happened in the woods and they brought us here. I explained to them what happened but they seemed like they didn't believe me; so I just kept hugging Nath in the back seat until we get to the station.

"Mr. Rayment and Mendes, just one can be with your son during the interrogation, who is going to be?." the officer said while I was talking with Nathaly out of the room. She looks so scared and lost.

"I think I should go with Shawn." My father say taking my hand.

"It's okay, you are the lawyer." My other dad say and gave me a hug. "you'll be fine Shawney." he whispers in my ear breaking the hug.

"Ok, come with me Mr. Mendes." the officer led us into the room. "here Sr. The detective is waiting inside"

We entered the room. The detective is watching some photos and papers until he gets up and take my dad's hand greeting him.

"Sit down please."he says closing the folder he had on the table. "Okay. I have some questions for you Shawn." he says taking a notebook out of his pocket. "But first I want You to tell me what happened tonight." he say looking at me. his dark eyes only makes me feel more nervous.

I told him everything, I put down every detail in the story. He just looked at me all the time without any expression, I can't tell if he believed me or not.
After that he just ask me some things like, how much alcohol had I drunk? questions that I don't hesitate to answer, even having my dad next to me.

"I think that's enough detective." my dad say getting up from the chair. "my son need to rest right now, maybe tomorrow can explain everything better." he takes my hand and we walk to the door.

"It's okay Mr. Mendes, you can go home, we'll be in touch." the detective says while we were leaving the room.

I take a deep breath until a saw Cam's mom, Gina, running to me yelling my name. I start to cry when she hugs me. Seeing her reminds me I have lost my brother, my bestfriend Cam.

"What happened to my baby boy? Shawn please tell me, is he okay right?.." she says that with a fake smile trying to look positive.

I'm not strong enough to tell her. I can't even say a word to her, but she needs to know.

I try to look at her making eye contact, I feel tears on my face.

"He's gone." I yell crying, my skin its killing me

She falls and starts to cry louder. some cops come to us trying to know what is going on. My dads came closer to me and resting their hands on my shoulders. We helped Gina to get up and we hug her together.

I hear screams in the distance.

"You! You Shawn, fucking bastard! you killed my son!." Cam's dad is coming.

He separates me from my parents and give me a big punch on my face and another on my stomach. I fall in the floor in pain, he throws himself over me and he waz about to give me another punch but my dad interrupts pushing and hits him.

My other dad lifts me up off the floor and takes me out to the police station.

"Are you ok Shawn?." he asks looking to my face.

"I feel it burning." I say trying to touch my face.

"It looks bad. when we get home I'll put ice on your face, it's gonna look worse tomorrow." he says leading me to the car.

I can see my other dad coming to the car. he looks angry but his face changes when he focus on me. I think he is disappointed right now.

It was all my fault.


We are finally at home. my parents don't say anything in the road.

I just want to lay on my bed and try to sleep.

"I need to sleep." I say to my parents.

"okay Shawney, Don't you want something to eat before you go? it's noon." r-dad say.

( R-dad= Rayment dad :p)

I haven't notice it was noon right now; I'm not hungry anyways, my stomach is killing me; if I eat something I would throw up with all the beer I had.

"No thanks dad. maybe I'll take a shower and then sleep for a while." I say when I go upstairs.. "And please wake me up if you have news about Cameron." he agrees and they walk to the kitchen.

I look to the mirror of my bathroom. I'm a mess. Dirt on my hair and face.
The blood from the punch dried all over my face.

I take off my clothes and open the shower. the hot water feels so goods, feels like a huge weight goes off with the water. I clean all my body and minutes later get out of the shower I cover myself with a towel and walk to the bedroom.

I feel weak, I can barely walk; all my body is slowly trembling. I take a underwear from the closet and wear it on.

The sun shines through the windows, I close the curtains just a little, letting some light entering my room; I'm scared from the dark now.

I jump ob my bed and rest my head over the pillow and close my eyes.


I'm in the woods. I'm not running this time I just stand by and looking around.
I feel empty this time; I start to walk when I stumble with something, I look down and i see a weapon, this belong to Cam's brother.

I take and point towards the trees. I
I saw a shadow running all over, I prepare the rifle and shoot again and again until nothing comes out of the rifle.

I run to where I believe the monster is and visualize a black humanoide thing.. He tries to say something but I couldn't understand what. I get closer to him and he says something again.

" Shawn." thats Cam's voice..

*end to the dream*

I open my eyes. the lights are off and it's night time. A flash cross the room and see a shadow. The lights turns on and I
I saw him right there in front of my bed. Cam is here and he is save.
The lights turns off again and he disappears again.

"Cameron!." I yell.

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