Diagon Alley

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You were standing outside the quidditch shop, watching as your little brother shopped for gear, he was going to try out for his house, gryffindors team this year, seing as how he was a second year now. You were in your fifth year however and had never been inclined to play, you supported your house of course, hufflepuff pride, you know!

All of a sudden a tall brown haired boy came to stand next to you.

"Beauty isn't she?" He said, referring to the broom in the window.

"I suppose, it is fairly well made"

He looked offended at this comment.

"That's the nimbus 2000!" He exclaimed.

"It could be the DustBuster 450 for all I care!" You laughed.

Now he was in shock.

"Not much of a quidditch player, huh?" He asked once he had regained consciousness.

"Not really, sorry must be off." You smiled at him as your brother came skipping out of the shop and you walked away.

"Wow, Y/N! I didn't know you knew Oliver Wood!" He said gawking at you.

"Oh is that who he was? Isn't he the quidditch player?" You asked, disinterested.

"Isn't he the quidditch player!?! He's not just a quidditch a player! He's gryffindors captain!" Peter (your brother) practically squeeled like a fangirl.

"Right, well he seemed genuinely offended that I wasn't gushing over a broomstick!" You mocked.

"He probably was! Quidditch is his life, Y/N."

"Poor guy" you sighed jokingly, pushing your brother into flourish and blots.

Oliver WoodWhere stories live. Discover now