The next morning was tough.... perhaps pigging out in the kitchen until 2 am wasn't the best idea, but the house elves were so nice and the cakes and cookies just kept coming.
Luckily, today was Saturday, yay!About an hour after you should have been up, Maggie rolled onto your bed and made noises that sounded like a beached whale.
"Oh hello, what can I do for you?" You laughed and pushed her off your bed."You could get up, it's sunny outside, and autumns almost here we should make the most of it!" She pleaded
"Ughhh, fine I'll get up!" You got up, and put your blue jean skirt on, it was sunny after all, with knee high socks and your Hufflepuff t-shirt, Maggie was, by now, sat in front of the door timing you.
"I'm ready!" You laughed and you left your room, through the common room and crawled out of the hole in the wall.
"What do you wanna do?" Maggie bounced.
"Head down to the lake? You suggested,
"Sounds good to me!"You calmly strolled through the castle grounds, glancing at students sat talking, occasionally casting a spell, You and Maggie where debating wether professor Snape had the capability of smiling when something round and hard hit you in the back of the head and you hit the ground.
You opened your eyes to Maggie, Professor Sprout, who happened to be collecting some plant for her 3rd years by the lake, and half the Gryffindor quidditch team. Apparently what had hit you was a quaffle the players were throwing about since Ravenclaw had the quidditch pitch today."Do you think she'll have amnesia?" A ginger boy said to- oh dear you were seeing doubles!
"Maybe we can convince her she can speak cat!" Said the double, oh, twins."Y/N are you okay?" You suddenly noticed Oliver knelt besides you holding a quaffle, so he had been the culprit. "I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I threw it..."
"I'm fine" you said getting to your feet, and falling right back down again."No she's not. Wood, get her to the infirmerie would you, dear?" Prof. Sprout asked, looking concerned.
Oliver bent down and scooped you up, carrying you bridal style to the infermerie, where madam Pomfrey told you to stay and rest for a couple of hours.
"Stay with her, in case she falls asleep." She said sternly to Oliver before hurying away to her office."Sorry, you must have better to do..." you apologized to Wood.
"Nah don't worry, besides it's my fault your here." He said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah, please be careful next time I can't say, as much as I enjoy your company, that is exactly what I wanted to do with my Saturday." You laughed.
"You enjoy my company?" He smirked, "well in that case I'll have to make it up to you, next Saturday, how about it?"
"Why not, you have robbed of me of a rather thrilling debate I was having about Prof. Snape."
"Talking about Snape on a Saturday? You're welcome!" You both laughed, the next few hours passed quite fast, almost too fast...