The beggining

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"Lexy Marie please get your ass up" I heard a faint voice say. I was asleep my eyes were shut why were people talking to me. "Lexy I swear to god if you don't get up I'm dumping water on you!" All of a sudden I knew exactly who was talking to me and I shot up out of bed my eyes still closed. "Good now that your awake lets go get breakfast" said my friend from her closet were she was getting dressed. Okay okay pause...I should probably introduce myself I am lexy marie Miller, 17 year old brown hair blue eyed girl from Alaska trying to chase my dreams and this... is my life.

Lexy POV
"Bro why you gotta wake me up so fuckin early" I said finally opening my eyes to a bright room. "Lexy it's 11:36" my Bestfriend McKinley said while looking at me like I was an idiot. "Well shit man why did you not wake me up earlier!" I said laughing while sitting on the bed checking my phone. "Bitch I swear" McKinley said as she glares at me. "Come on get ready we getting food and Starbucks...I'm paying" she said turning around finding her wallet and phone. "Shiii man why didn't you say so... let me cop some clothes?" I said getting up walking to her closet. "Ya ya sure remember my shit is your shit and visa versa" she said sitting down. "You a real one" I said changing into some ripped jeans and a cropped maroon sweater. "Ight lessss role" I said putting on my white vans. We were walking out of the door when mama b (mckinleys mom) stops us "hey hey hey where are y'all going" she says from the couch as she reads her paper. "Out for food" McKinley and I say in unison. "Come on now you know the drill" says McKinley's mom. We rush over to her and kiss her on the cheek. "By mom" mick says. "By mama b" I said waving. Now some of you might think that's weird but she is basically my mom she has taken me in to her house so many times without an explanation she has known me since birth. We finally got in my car and decided on McDonald's for breakfast then Starbucks. We get our food and make it to the Starbucks drive through and we both order the same drink and as we start to drive to her house I noticed my phone vibrates. It was my brother he was trying to FaceTime me. "Yooo what's up lil sis" he says as he walks around. " not much just getting food what about you" I said sipping my drink. "Just about to clean the house" he said sitting on his couch "sounds dope" I said as we stop at a stop light. "Well ya... I was thinking you should come up to jersey some time" he said while chomping on some toast "hell ya sounds fun I'll see when I can make it work between the two little ones and mom it's kinda hard to do anything anymore" I said as we turned a corner . "Ya ya I know it's just ...well how is she ...doing" he said with a sympathetic face. "Well she is not getting any better but she is not getting worse" I said chewing my hash brown from McDonald's. He kinda just sat there and nodded his head I mean there wasn't much to say. "The kids really miss you though they talk about you all the time" I said as I see him smile. "I miss them too Ima try to come up soon ..but hey I gotta get going catch you on the flip side sis" he said throwin up a peace sign. "Alright peace brother" I said ending the FaceTime. " I swear your brother gets hotter and hotter every time I see him". McKinley says smiling. "Shut the hell up " I replied laughing pretty hard. So that was my older brother Cameron he just turned 21 he left to jersey after high school for college but if you ask me I'm pretty sure he ain't doin shit. " are you gonna go visit him" mck says pulling into her driveway. " I mean I miss him and it would be cool...would you come with me?" I said lookin at her. "Hell ya fam sounds great" she said getting all hype. "Alright well I would have to check in with both Cameron( my brother) and grams" I replied finishing my food. I have a pretty complicated family life I mean it could be worse but basically all was good and swell we lived in Alaska with my dad mom and Cameron then when mom got pregnant with two twins a boy and girl dad decided to dip and everything kinda went downhill from there. We were doing good for a bit but I guess it kinda hit my mom all at once that dad had left she started drinking more and poppin pills and when the kids turned 4 it got really bad so we moved from Alaska to California where my grandma lives and she has been helping out since. McKinley has been there through it all with me so has her mom who is my moms Bestfriend and they moved down here with us but in their own house of course. "What time is it mick" I said turning to her. " as of now it is 1:27" she replied drinking her drink. " wanna go check on grams and the kids" I said scrolling through instagram. " ya definitely " she says turning the keys to start the car. About 24 minutes later we finally get to my house . I walk in the door and which almost immediately led to the kitchen where my grams was making food. " heyyy grams" I said smiling giving her a hug and McKinley did the same. Then all of a sudden I heard footsteps running throughout the house "lexxxyyyy" both grace and Liam my twin siblings say in unison attacking me with hugs. I lift up grace and Liam attacks McKinley with hugs. Sometimes I'm convinced they like her more then me. " hey entertain them for a minute?" I whisper to McKinley she nods and takes them to the living room. "How is she today?" I said talkin to my grandma obviously referring to my mom. "She hasn't been out of her room yet today" she said with a sort of frown. I decided to go check on her, I run up the stairs to her room and immediately after I open the door the smell of weed fills my nose. I walk over to the bed tripping on a bottle of something. " hey...hey ma wake up it's lunch time" I said shaking her gentility. She slowly starts to move and wake up. "Huh wha?" She said looking a little confused sitting up. "It's lunch ..come down stairs and eat" I said pulling the covers off her. We get down stairs and grandma has a plate ready for her. "Hey so cam called me today and he is wanting me to come visit him" I said nonchalantly. " ohh cam cam how is he" my mom says looking very drugged out and pale. "He he is good mom" I said nodding my head. I pulled grams to the side and asked if she would be okay watching them for like a week and she said of course. After staying for about thirty minutes more McKinley and I leave back to her house. As soon as we got there we called Cameron to see when a good time would be to go down he said that tomorrow would be a perfect day. We hung up and started talking thinks over we decided to go for a week. " well shit that gives us like no time for anything" McKinley says checking her computer. " I know we have so mu.." I said before I was cut off by a loud squeal from McKinley. "Yo what the fuck" I said covering my ears. "Dude I fucking reached half a mil on YouTube!" She said smiling from ear to ear "no fucking way" I said as I jumped from her bed to check her computer. "Holy shit man...I gotta check mine" I sat down at her desk and checked mine. " bro fucking 600,000 subscribers dude" we stared jumping around squealing and freaking out we both post appreciation videos on our snap story and talk about what needs to be done before we leave. "Yo go ask your mom" I said trying to collect my thoughts. "Shii okay one sec" she came back a minute later with a huge smile which was the indicator her mom said yes. We bought our tickets and it was off running around doing stuff before we leave. We decided to go to the mall and get some new clothes for jersey I called my grandma and told her the plan we were gonna drive up but that would take like wayyyy too long so our flight is at 11:00 then we have a layover somewhere I think we actually get into New Jersey at like 5:45. Cam said he has another car there that we can borrow so it's all good. "Since we are all packed we should make our vids for tomorrow because we probably won't want to since we are flying" McKinley said looking up from her suitcase. " ya for sure but what should we do?"  I said replying back "3am challenge?" She said kinda shrugging. "Yo are you crazy!?! We have to be up at like 9 tomorrow" i said wide eyed " so that's like 6 hours of sleep" she said still trying to convince me. "alright alright fine" McKinley and I love making videos we do all sorts of videos too, some vlogs and challenges and just stupid stuff apparently people like. I turned on my camera and started my vlog " yooooo what's good it's me lexy Marie" which is how I start all my videos. So for our videos we decide to go to Walmart and get kicked out. The video was coming to an end it was a success and we got kicked out but while walking to our car someone started following us and we parked really far from the entrance of Walmart and he was getting super close and so McKinley and I started running as fast as we can. We jump in the car screaming and freaking out. I was able to get it all for my vlog he got to the car as we were driving away and he like hit the car. "Yo what the fuck!" I yelled to him out the window. He started running after us again "fucking floor it " I tell McKinley. We finally got outa the parking lot and on the road. " that was wild we were just chased by a fucking psycho" I said looking at my camera. I vlogged a little more until we pulled up to mckinleys house. "So that's all for the video today hope you enjoyed it make sure you give it a like and if your new to the channel and like seeing this kinda stuff go hit that subscribe button and I will be heading to New Jersey to visit some family and hangout so if you live in jersey comment below or tweet me my twitter will be in the bio and like tell me if we should have like a meet and greet or something anyway I will see y'all tomorrow have a great day mother fuckers " I said to the camera as I do my little sign off thing. McKinley just ended her video and we were both tired as hell we put all our shit on the charger and we passed out.

A/n this was pretty long for the beginning of the story and not very exciting but it will get better I promise.

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