Cali to jersey

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*the night before the girls leave to New Jersey*
Jake POV
"No fucking way" I said as I took my earbuds out. Ademir who was sitting across from me on his phone spoke up "what" he says looking at his phone "THERES NO FUCKING WAY" I say louder still in shock. "Dude what" manfs says looking at me. "I just got done watching Lexys video...dude she is coming to jersey!" I said with a huge grin. "Lexy who?" Manfs said looking puzzled. "Dude fucking lexy miller!" I said standing up. " are you for real right now man!?!" Manfs said standing up smiling along with me. " lexy miller?" Ademir says still confused. Manfs like jumps on him "lexy Marie fucking miller yo!" He said shaking him. I quickly pull up her instagram and show him. "Ohhhhh shit man!" He says realizing who it was. We all got hype for a minute then realized we gotta meet her. "Yo she is so dope" manfs said falling on the couch. "I know man she is like crazy funny and mad beautiful like how" I said sitting down right after him. "Yo she follows me on instagram" ademir said plainly. "SHE WHAT" manfs and I say together. " shit man dm her what the hell" I said jumping up again. He direct messaged her and we sat around to see if she would answer. After waiting around for awhile we all pass out.

*next morning when the girls leave*

McKinley POV
I woke up to the alarm I had set last night it was hella loud. I look over to lexy who was slightly snoring. " wake your bumass up yo" I said while throwing a pillow at her. "I'm awake" lexy said clearly still sleeping. I ripped the cover off of her and opened my shades to reveal the light. "Alright alright" she said Sitting up "we should go on a quick run to wake up" she said standing up stretching. "Ya lets do it" I said throwing on some running shorts. So we ran to a little cafe about 1 mile away got some food and walked back. As soon as we got back in the house I hoped in the shower while lexy got the rest of her stuff together and then I hoped out so she could shower and I could get my stuff together. She got out got dressed and opened the bathroom door so we could both do our hair and makeup. We finished and we had thirty minutes before we left to the airport so we did a little vlogging and instagram posting and stuff. "YOOO OMFG" lexy says jumping up and down looking at her phone. "What L?" I say back very confused "look who just liked my insta post" she said still very excited. "Omg jake dufner!" I was so surprised. " he is so funny I watch his videos all the time" she said smiling from ear to ear. "And cute" I replied and she stood there red faced. It was about time to leave so we grabbed our last minute stuff and our bags and got into my moms car because she was driving us to get the airport.

Lexy POV
We were in the car almost to the airport and I pull out my phone to take a vid for Snapchat. "Hey guess where we are going guys... you guessed it the airport here we come jersey" I posted the video and put my phone away. We pulled up to the airport and said our goodbyes to mckinleys mom and headed inside. We got a few pictures and autographs for some supporters who were at the airport. We got passed security and we were waiting at our terminal. They finally tell us we can bored and about 30 minutes into the plane ride mick and I fall asleep.

Jake POV
I was chillin with waiting for the boys to get here and I decided to scroll through my Snapchat stories. I see that lexy posted 5 minutes ago and I open hers first. Fuck ya dude she is on her way here can't wait to tell the boys . Just as I finished my thought they bust through my door "yo did you guys see lexy st..." before I could finish mags and ademir said "yes" in unison. We all stand there cheesin hard and plan out what we are gonna do the rest of the day.

Lexy POV
I was woken up by the flight attendant telling everyone we will be landing in 10 minutes. I turn to McKinley who was still passed out sleeping. I gently shake her arm to wake her up. She wakes up and we both prepare to land in Tennessee which is where our lay over was. We had to immediately run to our next flight or we were gonna miss it which was surprising because I flight landing was early anyway. We had barley made it to our flight before they closed the doors we hurry and sit down. I post a quick picture of me and mick on my snap and I wrote "second flight here we go 😁" post it and we took off. There was pretty bad turbulence but a few hours later we landed safe and sound. I was so excited to see my brother I havnt seen him for like 2 years. When it was our turn to leave the plane McKinley and I basically bolt outa the plane I spot cam right through the doors I drop my stuff and jump into his arms. Other then McKinley my brother is literally my Bestfriend. He hugs me tight then McKinley goes in for a hug. " I missed you little sis" Cameron said smiling down at me. " missed you the most" I said smiling back at him. We walked to get our bags from baggage claim. "Are y'all hungry" cam said pulling out of the airport. McKinley and I look at each other "starving" we say in unison then laugh. " you guys are weird about wawa?" He said stopping at a red light. "What the hell is wawa?" I said confused as hell. "You will see" he says smiling. We pull into wawa and we hop out and get some food he told us we can go shopping tomorrow. "Thanks for dinner cam" I said as we got back into the car. The car ride was about an hour until we got to his house and McKinley and I had fallen asleep.we pulled up to his house "get up bums" he said turning the car off. He helps bring our bags in and we eat McKinley and I had our own rooms there which was pretty cool I was super proud of him it was a dope house. 7 o'clock rolled around and Cameron came into the room I was staying in because McKinley and I were editing videos. "So I know you both got here but my buddy is having a party tonight do you guys wanna go"he said standing in the door frame. I look at McKinley and she looks at me "ya sure... just give us time to get ready" we finished editing and we started to get ready I lightly curled my hair put on black leggings a light grey dressy shirt and put a black jacket on top of that and wore some white shoes.

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