U .1 (L.J)

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       I forgot to mention when I started writing that all of my imagines are inspired by different songs from different artist and this Luke James Imagine is inspired by H.E.R Vol. 2 💕

(If you're a Luke James fan you're Rachel in this imagine it's just hard for me to write Y/N imagines)

It was a normal day on the UCLA campus , the sun was shining , there was a cool breeze and like always Rachel was headed to the library to catch up on some studying . She was a biology major heading into the medical field after graduation to be neurosurgeon . Most people found that a bit disgusting and could stomach the thought of it , but for her it was interesting the human body fascinated her in way she's couldn't explain. Let's just say , it was her calling .

As she walked up the stairs before entering in she passed the same guys she always had Luke James , Keith Powers and Woody McClain. Sometimes it would be three more guys , but majority of the time it was just those three . It seemed to her they never went to class or they were just on the campus to talk to every girl they had seen , every girl except her that was .

She'd been knowing Woody since high school , but they never really talked much except that one time the teacher assigned them to a partner project and even then she did all the work while Woody was doing his own thing .

"Hi Rachel" Woody smiled as she simply walked by waving before moving a few strands of hair behind her ear .

Luke looked up from his phone to see who Woody had spoken too . His eyes widen a bit as seen the pretty unfamiliar face .

"Yo Woody , who's that ?" Luke asked watching her until she turned the corner disappearing from his vision.

"That's Rachel , duh , did you not hear me say her name ?"

"Rachel ? Rachel who ?" Luke questioned ignoring the rest of his comment .

"Rachel Jackson , damn man" Woody stated a bit irritated.

"She new here ?"

"No." Woody scrunched at Luke . "She's been going here since forever , she walks pass us every day, how did you not notice her ?" Woody asked him with a weird look on his face.

"He serious ?" Luke asked turning to Keith .

"Yeah man he's serious" Keith said said shaking his head laughing a bit .

"What all do you know about her Woody ?"

"Not much . We got paired up once in high school for this project , but I failed it because I didn't do any work" Woody said nonchalantly humping his shoulder.

"Typical" Keith laughed smacking his lips.

"Shut up you great value ass Ronnie Devoe" Woody joked .

Neither of them had noticed Luke had disappeared into the building .

"Where's Luke ?" Keith asked as they heard the doors swinging .

Keith and Woody entered the library looking around for Luke who was looking around for Rachel . He spotted her sitting at a round table by herself . She had books and binders scattered across the table and she seemed to be working hard .

Luke made his way to her table .

"Is this seat taken" he asked standing above
her .

She completely ignored his existence for a minute before removing the earbuds from her ear .

"I'm sorry" she asked finally looking up from her book as her eyes grew wide .

Luke laughed a bit at her reaction .

"I asked was this seat taken"

"Oh , nah go ahead I guess" she mumbled returning her focus to the book in front of her .

He took a seat watching her for a bit .

"I'm Luke , Luke James" he held out his but she showed no interest in shaking it . "Dang it's like that ?"

"I mean I would , but my hands are kinda full holding this book , maybe you should go pick up one" she said half joking half serious turning the page trying not to laugh at the statement she made .

"Oh I see . You got jokes , cool" Luke laughed . "How come I've never seen you around here until this evening" Luke questioned .

"I don't know, maybe you never cared to notice me " she stated humping her shoulder moving in her seat . "now if you'll excuse me I have somewhere to be" . She stated putting the book down gathering her belongings packing her backpack up before walking away from the table .

Luke got up following her attempting to finish his conversation until he noticed Keith and Woody sitting at a table in the back watching them . He stopped in his tracks to go meet them and by the time he turned his head to search for Rachel again , she was gone .

"Damn" Luke sighed disappointed .

"You really messed that up" Keith said sarcastically.

"No shit nigga" Luke mugged him .

"Better luck next time bro" Woody said patting him on the back . "Come on let's go the cafe , all the honeys in their" Woody added wrapping his around Keith and Luke shoulder .

"Get off me" Keith semi yelled pushing Woody as they walked out the library exit .

Woody and Keith continued to play the entire there , but all that Luke could think about was Rachel , why was she giving him the cold shoulder , and why was he just now seeing her ?

Either way he had a plan . A plan that would soon have her on his arms , or at least that's what he THOUGHT .


Sooooo this was my first imagine . Should I post part 2 ?

I didn't proof read so sorry for errors .

Bye 👋🏽

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