Chapter One - How this all started...

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        Takeshi watched as a criminal who had been arrested was brought out to have a public execution for publicly denouncing the Law and its followers. The fifteen year old looked away as the man who everyone hated was beheaded, but his father forced him to watch.

“It’s good for you to know what will happen to those who break the Law.” He lowered his eyes after witnessing the man’s quick death, and then turned away. “Son what is wrong with you?”

“Why is there something wrong with me if I don’t want to see a man beheaded? He didn’t even do anything worth death.”

“He sinned, the Law states-“

“I know what the Law states father, but I just don’t see why that man had to face death for such a trivial thing.”

“That is not trivial. He was a criminal.”

“It’s not like he murdered someone.”

“It’s the same thing.”

“No father it isn’t. Denouncing and murder are two different things. They're nothing alike. What of the freedom of speech? ” Turning he marched away towards home before his father had a chance to lecture him further  but he didn’t go home, he instead stole away to the secret place in the forest that he and his friend had discovered a few years back. Sitting on a stump he ran his tan fingers through his dark hair and sighed deeply.

“I just don’t get it…why would someone have to die just because they spoke a few harsh words?”

“Because it’s against the Law.” He looked up to see his friend standing there leaning against a tree, she was a year younger than himself and was the closest friend he had in the small town that they lived in. Mariko Amari. Her brown eyes understood him better than he did himself sometimes.

“I know but I just don’t understand it, I don’t think I want to understand it either…”

“Takeshi…is that the only thing that’s bothering you?” She came and sat next to him.

“The Law…what is this Law? Who even made it? Why do we live by it?”

“I don’t know…we just do…”

“Why? I don’t see why we have to obey such a ridiculous Law…”

“Takeshi, how could you call our peace keeping Law such a terrible name?” She looked hurt and he hated doing that to her.

“Mariko, you know I don’t mean it…I just don’t understand…” Nodding, she looked down with a sad look.

“I’m sorry you don’t understand, maybe you should ask your parents.”

“I’ve tried but every time I bring it up, father goes into a fit while my mom badgers me. No one understands my situation.”

“Try again.”

“It won’t work…”

“Just one more time. It’s getting late anyway, I have to go home and you should too.”

“Alright. I guess I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”

“Most likely.” He sighed, standing with her. After saying bye, he headed home. He took the long way home so the sun was setting by the time he arrived.

“I’m back…”

“Where were you?” His worrisome mother hurried over to him, welcoming the teen with a hug.

“I’m fine, I was with Mariko.”

“I was worried that—“  

“Stop nagging the boy.” His father spoke from the table where he read the paper like any other day.

“Uh father…could I have a word?”

“Go ahead.”

“Father…” Placing a hand on the table he pushed the paper down so he could look his father in the eye. “Alone.”

“I just sat down.” He did not look eager to get up either.

“Father please…it’s important.” Sighing, his father stood and walked outside with his son, sitting on the front porch.

“What is it that is so important?”   

“It’s about the Law…”


“I don’t understand it-”

“What?! I thought I taught you better than that!”

“Father please, just refresh my memory. I would like to understand it…” His father nodded with an irritable glance.

“The Law was written ages ago by our leaders to guide us into a world of peace. As long as we follow it, war will remain a thing of the past and nothing but peace exists.”

“But crimes still exists.”

“Yes but it’s a rare occurrence.” He nodded with a thinking look.

“Thanks, I think I understand now.” His father nodded and went back into the house. Rubbing his face he shook his head, “No I don’t…I still don’t understand, it doesn’t make sense…” His head hurt from all of this so he decided to turn in for the night.

   Lying in bed, Takeshi stared at the ceiling. Who created the Law? It seemed more like a cult than anything. It was more like an excuse for people to commit murder. Tyranny. A scam. And what about the people who created it? Where were they? No one knew who the identities behind the Law are. There were the monks and priests but they spoke for the true creators who never show their faces and hid behind the Law, using it as they please. Watching the villagers dance to their pitiful tune in either fear or naïve belief. It frustrated him, everything about it made him feel uneasy and like he didn’t belong. Out of the village, he was the ‘outsider’. Always the one who couldn’t comprehend the Law, people called him a troublemaker.

This is a super old work of mine that I recently began editing but there are always mistakes that escape my eye. I apologize.

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