Chapter Three - Is that a ghost or an angel?

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   “Mariko, where was Takeshi heading off too?” Arata caught up to her on the path since they lived in the same direction.

“He said he was going home but he seemed distracted.”

“He always appears like that. An absent minded boy he is.”

“I suppose. The poor thing just can’t get the hang of things nor can he comprehend the Law…I wonder what goes through his mind.”

“Indeed…he’s a special child I guess.”

“Special is an understatement.”

“Oh don’t doubt him too much. He may have his head in the clouds every now and then but he could prove to be something…significant.”

“What do you mean?” Arata stopped in front of his house.

“Well, here I am. I’ll see you tomorrow!”

“What did you mean by that though?”

“Nothing really. I’m just saying you should have more faith in him. He is your friend, isn’t he?”

“Yes but-“ Atashi creaked the front door open with his usual frown.

“Arata, mother wants you to help her with something.”

“Just a-“


“Okay, okay, see you tomorrow Mariko.”

“Yeah…” He jogged up to where his sibling was standing and disappeared into the house. Atashi batted his long blonde bangs past piercing blue eyes.

“Takeshi may be a fool but he is not useless. He may prove so soon.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The days are becoming shorter…time is wearing thin.” Saying that more to himself in open thought, he stepped back and shut the door, leaving her confused. What was that supposed to mean? Was Takeshi running out of time and if so, why? Where they going to execute him for verbal vandalism but he had never openly spoken against the Law. Not to her knowledge. The very thought of him being dragged away and dying made her feel ill. They had known each other since childhood and she couldn’t stand the thought of him in danger. What would she do if he was dead?

  “Mother I’m home”

“What took so long dear?”

“Sorry but Arata and I walked together and got talking. Takeshi had been acting strange again though…”

“How is that?”

“I don’t know…he seems more absent minded than usual. He’s just different.”

“Maybe he’s exploring somewhere. You could go look for him and ask him what is wrong.”

“After school, he sounded like he wanted to be alone.” Sitting at the table she plopped her head onto her hand.

“Awh honey, you have feelings towards him don’t you?” Her mother smirked as she put dinner into the stove and came and sat down. Mariko could feel her face turn red,

“I don’t know…I guess I sort of do, we’re best friends and I’m worried for him…”

“Is he getting into trouble again?”

“No, It’s just…he’s confused, about the Law. He called it ridiculous and that he couldn’t understand it.”

“I’m sure he’s fine. He’s always dealt with things best by himself. Takeshi is probably heading home by now.” 

    He lay there, helpless and blubbering. Having given up fighting against the straps an hour ago, he was beginning to numb from the fear. He was going to die tonight wither he accepted his fate or not. Takeshi stared at the dark ceiling, ready to give up hope of any possible rescue.  

“Forsaken.” His eyes widened and shot around the room, twisting his head in every direction as his hope rose.

“I-is someone t-there…?” No one was there though so where did the voice come from? It was the soft call of a woman.


“W-who’s there? Please come out where I can see you…” Obeying his request, he saw the figure of a human step out of one of the walls but it was engulfed in light and it was slowly approaching him. Perplexed, his reflexes wanted to pull his body away from it but he remained held down in place.  


“What do you want…?” The faceless being stopped at his feet, he could hear it breathing. One of its hands stretched over him as an invisible force unbound him.

“Follow if you wish to see life again…”

“L-life…?” He was both terrified and confused.  He was alive though at this moment he felt like death was staring him in the face but he found himself nodding. The figure started backing away, still glowing white. Somehow he felt like this was his only chance for freedom so he slowly stood and followed. It led him to the door where the bodies were kept.

“I have to go in there?” It didn’t answer; instead it crept through the wall leaving him behind. Not wanting to be left alone again, he entered into the rotting room in pursuit. He spied the ghost-like figure standing near the back of the room, waiting. Pushing himself, he made a beeline towards it, jumping whenever his sandaled foot hit a small pool of something thick and wet. Once he returned to its side, it waved a hand at the wall, bending it upward. After the two stepped through, the opening closed behind. The newly discovered tunnel went back for miles, but not up, it went deeper into the earth.

“Who are you…?” It never responded to his question.

    “Arata come on!”

“I’m coming, I’m coming.” The teen jogged after Atashi who always walked too fast for him to keep up.

“So how did that test go today?”

“Awh terrible, I would have gotten a better score if Takeshi helped, at least a little.”

“He has problems of his own, especially if it awakens inside him.”

“Yeah, then the real trouble begins because they will want him out of the way since he will pose a threat.”

“And knowing him, he’s bound to fall head first into danger...”

“What are you guys talking about?” They both turned to see Mariko standing there with arms crossed and a troubled look. “Both of you are acting weird, is there something you’re hiding from me?”

“Either way, it’s really none of your business.”

“Atashi, be nice. But it really in none of your business…You’ll find out in a few days if anything.”

“Tell me what’s going on. If it has something to do with Takeshi, I want to know!”

“It has everything to do with him and nothing with you so butt out of it.”

“I’m his friend, if he’s in trouble-“

“What are you going to do if he is in trouble?” Atashi took a step at her, his demeanor turning irritable. “You’re just a little girl so what would you do? You would only get in the way and cause more trouble for him. Stay out of the way and on the sidelines. Shut up and watch what happens. If we explained anything, you couldn’t hope to grasp the meaning behind it so wait until it takes place and observe. Only then will you understand the circumstances.”

“…Just who are you? How do you know this?”

“Because Atashi and I are highly involved already.”

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