3-Colorado Here We Come

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The bell rung for lunch and i ran to the lunch line and to the table so that i could be the first one there, we always have a game of who will have more points at the end of the whole year. I have 35 points and now today 36 points and it's friday in the  first week of December and we today is the last day before going out for Christmas break, i'm in the lead but it wont last long. I sit down as Cam is running over here and jumps into a chair next to me and then sees me.
"UGHHHHHHHHH YOU ALWAYS GET HERE" he groans and i laugh. Lauren and Lisa are walking with Josh over to the table and Lauren looks like she's going to explode of excitement.  Jake comes running after them, panting.
"woah what happened to you"asked Lisa
"He was running away from Ms.Denrick"Cam said

"and you know this how?"I asked
"It's a twin thing"Jake and Cam said at the exact same time which sometimes creeps me out.

"Anywayyyyyy.......um where's Abbie?"asked Cam

"She got detention from Ms.Denrick which Jake would've gotten"

"And Adam?" I asked, Josh and Lisa looked at each other."Tell me guys right now" and they pointed behind me and i already knew. I turned sprung and he was talking to Jessica at her table.
"Pretend like we didn't see anything nothing is wrong ok?" said Lauren. And we all agreed. He came 2 minutes later,
"Hey guys, everything ok?"
"Yea, is there supposed to be something wrong?" Josh asked
"No nothing just wondering"
"Ok anyway...I need to tell you all something!!!!"Lauren said and we all looked at her. "We are going to the cabin in Colorado!! we are going to go there on a train which is 2 days long and then we are going to stay in Colorado for a week and a half which still gives us time during our Christmas break and do other stuff. Ok so Abbie already knows. And also we are going to go horse riding and ..........." I tuned her out and looked at Adam, he looked so out of it, he was zoning out, looked bored. This better not have to do anything with Jessica because it will break my heart and he knows that. the bell rang and i stood up and left leaving Adam behind even though we always walk together to Calculus together because he's with me.
-------after school------
Lauren came to my house to help me pack and then we would go to hers and I would help her. We finished packing and started walking to her house since it's three houses down. We passed Adam while walking and i just looked straight ahead.
"Bex, Can you come......"he trailed off when he noticed i kept walking and i secretly glanced back and he looked so sad i just wanted to go to him but i kept on walking. I don't know why i'm doing this it's just sad and makes me angry that he was there with Jessica i'm sure is nothing bad but i don't know i don't like it.
"You know it was probably nothing at lunch right?"Lauren said
"yeah i know but i just feel weird"i said and we went into her room to pack.We finished packing We finished after an hour or so and watched Me Before You. We both cried, oh how i love that movie.
"Well my mom probably wants me home for dinner, do you want to come?"I asked her
"No it's fine, i'm waiting for Josh anyway"i wiggled my eyebrows and she giggled."Becca don't worry about Adam too much or at all he wouldn't do that just trust him ok?"
"Ok"i nodded and i guess i looked sad because Lauren hugged me.
"He likes you too Becca, trust me i know it" I just nodded.
"bye see you tomorrow to leave for the train remember my house k?"
"ok bye.....thanks Lauren" I told her and she smiled. I walked back to my house deep in thought hoping that Lauren was right.
Hey guys!!!  Yay i actually updated today wow well this is gonna be easy anyway this chapter isn't long but i guess it's and ok amount. hope you liked it. new up date tomorrow!!❤️
Love ya guys!!!!!

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