Rules and Form

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Just like in the description, I will make any cover you request. However, there are a few rules.


1. You must use the cover for at least a week.
2. Give credit to me (preferably in description)
3. You can request up to three covers (exception: see rule 4)
4. If you have already requested 3 covers and want more, you can follow me and get unlimited covers
5. You can get one additional cover by reading a story and reviewing what you think (you do not need to read all chapters, one or two would be fine)


Overall theme you want/the book is:
Name of author you want me to put:
How many pictures you want:
Color scheme (Optional):
If you want a frame or not:
Color of text:

Thank you very much. Please note that some of these will be for/inspired by books I've read and like a lot. For these covers, I would say go read the books, as they're probably books I really like.

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