To the girl who doesn’t care,
I believe that everything has a hidden story, a hidden agenda, however yours is hard to find. Broken girl, why don’t you spill the bottle all ready? And I see the cracks in your foundation, you’re slowly becoming visible. So let it go, poor girl, you’ve hidden it so well. Behind simple words, you’ve kept it a secret, but I see what you’ve failed to see. I see a girl who once cared so much, like me. Like a rose, your petals fall one by one, you can’t fool me.
When are you going to realize, we are all one big puzzle? Why are you so scared? For I have seen the story clouds from the past, I’ve seen what your mind can not let go of. When are you going to realize, you’re not alone? For we all have cared a little too much, we’ve all lost what we wished to gain.
And over time, all of our hearts have dried up like clay. We let our enemies mold us into something we hate. So when we look in the mirror, we want it to shatter. Silly girl, when are you going to realize that we are all the same?
But that’s the thing, I guess, we have to grow up before they notice. Before they see you breaking, you have to start all over again. We must hide under what we hate, so we are not seen as weak.
Soon, we start to hate everything.
And we start to not care because caring was what started this all.
Silly girl, when are you going to learn that we all wish we could start all over again with new clay?
A/N: Dedicated to @irregular_ because she's just amazing ok