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[chapter one]
|| lost ||

[chapter one]|| lost ||

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London. Asta spent three months there. A lot can change in three months. She was not expecting this to be one of them.


Asta had arrived at Norway again. She felt so happy to be home. Home, all of her friends are there. All of her memories, bad and good. Chris was there.

She was overly excited to be here again. And as she watched the city go past her car window, her stomach erupted with butterflies.

Asta was so happy. No stalkers, no problems. Everything would be perfect. She deserved to be happy for once and she was finally getting it.

"We're here." The driver announced as they came into view of her apartment. She had missed this place. She grabbed her money and handed it to him. "Thank you."

She grabbed her items, and ran into the home. Home sweet home.


Once Asta was all packed up for the day. She texted her group. "Hey I'm here". She almost instantly got a reply from Sana. "Welcome back Hun." She smiled at the name "hun" she called her that a lot. She loved it.

She knew where Chris would be. Tonight she would surprise him at that the party. Until then, she waited and got ready.

In all honesty, she felt alone. Her brother and Noora weren't here. Eva was- well that's a while different story. Chris would have to wait. And the girls. They were doing their own thing right now.

She thought about old times, thinking today she would feel so much better. But she was just really lonely and scared right now. Scared that she would always feel like this.

Hopefully not, she thought. And shook those depressing thoughts away. She was eventually shook out of them by some other source. A knock on the door.

She smiled, who was it? She ran giddily towards the door. "Coming!" She yelled. And as she arrived at the door and opened it, she was embraced by none other than her best friend. "V! You're here!" She cried out.

They remained in the embrace, until both were crying tears of joy. "Never leave again!" Vilde cried out, still clinging onto the brunette. "Never." Asta repeated.


"Oh come on!" Vilde whined, "you'll look so sexy for Christoffer!!" She held up the outfit once more. Asta scoffed, jumping up. "Maybe, but that's not even an outfit! That's like a string!" She pointed to the small lacy outfit. Vilde scrunched up her face, "Ugh fine, wear this!"

Asta have in, "Fine." She ran up and grabbed it, receiving a cheer from Vilde. She went over to her side of the room and changed. "Wow you look hot!" Asta smiled, she did look pretty good.

Her outfit was a cropped lace black top with high- waisted mom jeans. She couldn't wait to see Chris. "Lets go meet the girls!"

Asta was greeted by Sana, and Chris berg. They both were super excited to have her back in the group again. As was Asta.

"Shall we?" Vilde asked the group. They all shouted out things, "Hell yeah!" Was the loudest. Thanks Chris.  They entered the party and saw a huge crowd dancing, doing shots, smoking, and chatting.

Vilde went off to get a drink and Sana looked at Asta, "You know, it's kind of our tradition, we need to dance!"  Asta smiled, she was right they always dance at parties together. "Let's do it!"

Later on in the party, Asta had talked to other people, some very polite about her being back, greeting her even if they didn't know her. Some being oblivious she was even gone. Either way, she was happy to be at TheRuss party.

And at that moment, she saw him. Chris Schistad. The song playing in the background hushed out from her hearing, as the whole world stopped when she saw him. Her love.

She made her way over. She was getting closer, but she saw something she wished she never had to. Chris pulled a girl over by her waist and made out with re, pressing her against the wall. Her hands made fists, and she shook with anger, jealousy, and betrayal.

Sure, she had left. And he didn't know she was coming. But they hadn't talked about this. They hadn't even texted about seeing other people or anything. They hadn't texted some yesterday and he said I love you. She was fuming.

She walked over, and couched, gaining his attention. "Chris?" When he turned, he had a little guilt in his face, but his words didn't resemble it. "Hey, Asta! You wanna join or something?" She scoffed, "Can we talk?"

He leaned closer to her, "Do we have to? I'm kinda in the middle of-" Asta slapped him, "Sorry I interrupted. Carry on." She sashayed away, and out of the party, as all eyes followed her. Some whispered, some cheered for her. And others didn't care.

Vilde, Sana and Chris came running out. "I- were so sorry." Sana gestured. She frowned as a single tear rolled down Astas face. "So sorry." Asta shook away from their worried faces . "We should catch a cab- or walk home." She mumbled. And began walking.


And that is how she was right now. She was sad, of course. But most of all. She felt, lost.



are you crying yet, bc I am! 

also really short and quick chapter, but I promise they will be better later. Thanks for reading. See ya!

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