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[chapter two]
|| lost ||

[chapter two]|| lost ||

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everywhere she went, she could hear the pouring of the rain, mocking her. She could hear her cries as she told Chris she was going to London. She could hear his breathing halt. She could smell the fresh gravel of the newly paved road. That day would not leave her. Not with the constant reminder of the beating rain.

If only. If only the rain would carry my sorrows away. Carry me away. I would be free of this pain. Pain caused by love. Well, she wasn't sure if it was really love. She thought about all of this, why would he do that if he truly loved her.

She didn't know enough about herself anymore. Was she strong enough to keep on without him? After what they had gone through? Would he just leave her now? To Asta, it seemed like a joke. "Come on universe! Keep hurting me, come on!" She begged. She wouldn't cry though. She hadn't cried.

Her eyes were open, but she was not seeing. Her mind was thinking, but not about the person standing behind her, begging her to talk to them. Sana. She wouldn't. She was numb.

Maybe this seemed dramatic, it did to Asta. She mentally cursed herself for being this vulnerable, this weak over someone that simply did not care enough to not hurt her. Sure, she was dramatic, but she couldn't help how she felt. Love makes you do crazy things. Maybe this was for the best- but it couldn't be. Could it?

And as a warm arm yanked her away from the window, and looked into her far away eyes, she really stopped. She stopped thinking, believing, and mostly she stopped trusting. She couldn't trust in him anymore. Two can play at this game, Christoffer.

And as she thought about him, she found a way to breath again. She found a way to finally open her eyes. Without even trying, Chris had been the one that led her back to reality. But she wasn't thinking about him in the loving way, more of a 'I can hurt you more' way.

Sana looked worried, "Asta?" She pleaded. And Asta flinched, finally hearing her fully. She didn't like how her name didn't sound right, because Chris wasn't saying it.


"Put me down!" Asta screeched, as Chris had her over his shoulder. "As you wish!" He yelled back, putting her down, and pushing her against the wall. He smirked at how he had finally caught her at their game of running and catching. "Gotcha." He smiled down at her, before closing the gap, kissing her softly, and smiling into the kiss.

She giggled as he blew on her face, and she stared at him. He met her stare and she covered her face, embarrassed he caught her staring. "Don't be embarrassed, Asta. I stare at you all the time." He winked at her. "Besides, you're cute when you blush." He kissed her again.



Asta touched her lips and smiled, reminiscing. The way her name rolled off his tongue just sounded right. Her smile faded, replacing it with a smirk, 'I will get you back for this' she thought.


well that was different!

different as in sucks ass! :/ YAY AN UPDATE

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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