Chapter One

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Chapter One:

The scent of sweat assaulted my nose as I worked out along with the other twenty or so people in the gym. Exhaustion coursed through my body as I pushed myself to my maximum, seeing how far I could push myself and then some. The sore feeling of my muscles burning was all too familiar to me, not that I minded, I even embraced the burning feeling. My thighs clenched every time I moved, and my arms felt as though they were going to break off of my shoulders, yet I kept going. Five days out of a week I spend hours in this gym; not stopping until someone literally makes me. All my life I have trained to be better than everyone else, I guess you could say it's in my blood. I come from a long line of royals. My father King Mark Sawyer is the current king, and I will follow in his foot steps in ruling over the Kingdom. My mother died a couple of months after my birth, leaving the whole Kingdom in a sort of grieving state. My father says that I was his only reason for living, that I was the only reason he kept going. I threw punch after punch to the punching bag, letting this week's frustration flow out of my body. A lot of pressure comes with being the princess of an entire Kingdom especially this passed month because my father is teaching me the ins and outs of ruling the Kingdom. My schedule is extremely tight, leaving me frustrated and exhausted. At dawn I wake up and go down to the gym, and work out for an hour with some of the Warriors Wings. I then head up stairs to my father's study for three hours learning about a Queens duty, and how the flow of the Kingdom works. After lunch I go to the library for two hours for the home schooling my father assigned me. I get a half hour break between my schooling lessons and war tactics with the Warrior Wings for three hours. In war tactics I learn and practice war strategy, hand to hand combat, and swordsmanship. And then until dusk I sit with Nurse and learn the etiquette of a Queen. After then I am free to do as I please. Most of the time I go to the town with a few of the warriors. Most, if not all, of my friends are males. It's not that I don't like females, I'm just hardly ever around them. The boys and I are very dauntless when we muck around the town. Always wrecking havic and doing wreckless stunts. There are five of us in all.

Jason. Jason and I don't always get along,we always find a way to but heads. But I know I could trust him with my life.

Then there's Rowan, he's a big, loud, obnoxious, beffy boy. In the inside though, he's just a big teddy bear. I go to him when I have a problem, whether it be I'm having a bad day, or I need help in strangling someone, figuratively speaking.

Wesley is Rowan's twin. Although they are complete opposites. Wesley is probably the weakest out of all us, which isn't saying much because we are all very strong and fit. He's just got a bigger heart I guess.

Xavier is probably my favorite. He's very quiet and brooding, but he's the one that makes me smile and laugh the most. He makes my day better without even knowing what's going on. I have a hunch that he has a sixth sence about knowing someones emotions without being told.

And then there's me. Ebony Minae Sawyer. Princess of the largest Kindom in the world.

"Ebony. Stop, look at your hands." I hear Rowan's voice growl out, succesfully breaking me out of my trance.

I look down to see my knuckles split open with blood oozing out of them. Wincing as I unclench my fists I turn around to see Rowan and Xavier standing in front of me with looks of dissaproval on their faces.

I chuckle, "Sorry guys, I guess I was off in my own world again. Did you need something?" I ask as I take the towel Xavier held out to me to wipe off the sweat trickling down my neck and forehead.

"You're father called for us to see if we knew your whereabouts. We figured you'd be here." Rowan chuckles slinging his arm around my shoulders.

I shove him off and elbow him in the ribs playfully, "Do you know what he wanted?" I ask.

They shake their heads, escorting me through the hallways as usual. I always had one of the boys with me, they took it upon themselves to be my peronal bodyguards. Sometimes it gets bothersome, especially if I'm in the mood to be alone, but I do appriciate them. By the time we reach my father's study Xavier and I are sharing annoyed looks, both getting agrivated by Rowan's constant chatter, so I'm glad to scurry away from him. I throw a wave at the two boys in goodbye before entering the study with a knock, but not waiting for an answer before I step inside.

" You know, everyone else in this castle waits for me to grant them inside the study before they enter except you." My father says in mock annoyance.

I crack a half smile at him before sitting down on the couch beside the bookshelf. The room itself was large, containing a large table in the middle for the council meetings called to by the Kings and Queens. Bookshelves act as walls around the room, except for the wall of windows over looking the sea beside our castle. A few couches sit off to the side of the room, for the long hours my father and I spend in here. My father is a large man. His broad shoulders, and muscles give off a powerful aroura. For only being fourty my father is a very handsome man. His bright blue eyes show wisdom and power, and the only sign of his age is the laughter lines beneath his eyes and around his mouth. His black hair is kept shortly cut, and his facial hair is next to nothing.

"How has your day gone so far, Eboney?" He asks taking a sip of whatever is in his cup.

I thought for a moment, going over what all has happened today, nothing out of the ordinary. "It's been good. Same as every other day." I say closing my eyes as I lay back on the couch.

Silence is the only thing heard for a short while before my father speaks up again.

"King Louis and his two sons, Edward and Harrold, are arriving within the next week." He says.

My eyebrows raise slightly as I try to remember the names. "The boys who were messing with Wesley?" I ask.

My father flinches, remembering the unpleasant memory of me going off my rocker and the two troublesome boys. "Yes, those are the ones."

I heave a sigh, knowing that when they arrive I will be constantly on edge. Harrold and Edward rub me the wrong way, they are too arogant and confident for my liking.

"Is that all you wanted me for, Father?" I ask, standing up from my position on the couch.

He opens his mouth as if he were going to say something, but then closes it. "No, you are dismissed.

I look at him for a moment, before turning on my heel and leaving the study. I decided not to question him as to what he was going to say, leaving it for another time. Night time had quickly snuck up on me.. My busy days normally leave me dragging and today was no exception. My eyes began to droop as I make mey way up to my bedroom in the west wing of the castle. Lanterns lit the hallway giving them an almost dreary feel.

"Ebony!" I hear Wesley's voice shout to me.

I sigh and slow my pace to a stop as I wait for Wesley to catch up to me. His sweaty blond hair stuck to his forehead, and his eyes were bright with happiness.

"Hello Wesley." I say giving him a side hug.

"Hi Eb. Guess what happened just a moment ago?" He said exitedly.

"What?" I ask as I resume my walk to my bedroom.

"I am officially courting Elizabeth." He says, nearly squishing me as he picks me up spinning me in a circle.

I smile a big smile at him, "That's great Wes!"

Wesley has fancied Elizabeth since I introduced the two a couple years ago at a banquet my father was hosting, so for him to be courting her was a big deal.

Wesley talks animately about what he plans to do during their courtship until we reach my bedroom.

"Have a good night Wesley." I say closing the door with a yawn.

My eyes droop as I get myself ready for bed, changing into clean clothes and washing my face quickly before stretching out on my king sized bed. My walss were painted a dark red like blood color, with gold trimming. A large window leads outside to a fair sized balconey with rod iron railing that faced the trees beside the castle. My bedroom was plain other than the paint I chose for the walls. It doesn't show anything about me and that's the way I prefer it. The room was always kept tidy and clean.

My thoughts drifted to what my father said, or rather didn't say earlier when I was in his study. I wonder what he was going to say. I drifted away into a much needed slumber dreading the up coming week ahead of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2014 ⏰

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