Chapter 3: 1968

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"...and as real and clear as it is, I'm still not close to finding a rational and logical answer for the whole thing."
Egon spoke about his vision from the notes he wrote as he watched the steam from his coffee rise into the air from his peripheral vision.

It was Wednesday morning at the firehouse. Egon called the team early to meet up, even though everyone usually comes up to the firehouse every Wednesday and Saturday, even if there's no job to do.

Peter glanced away from his phone and looks at Egon with a serious face.
"How long has this been happening now, you say?"

"Every month for about a year, Peter."

"Ooh, the ooolllddd 'person-who-has-vision-for-no-apparent-reason-that-has-been-going-on-for-a-long-time' cliché, my favorite." He took a sip of coffee and quickly winked at Egon.

"Do you think there's something that could've set that vision off, or trigger it, by you doing something recently?" Winston questioned, resting his head on his hand.

"Not that I can think of. I have thought about it since it first started, but I can't think of anything that remotely happened that could've set it off, then and now. I'd like to think it's got something to do with a case, but we haven't had any challenging and important ones in such a long time."

"Maybe it's not set off from something important, maybe it's caused by an ordinary event that happened everyday or something like that," continued Winston.

"Perhaps...but the thing that worries me the most is not the fact of how it started and progressed... but how real and lifelike it's becoming."

Ray turned his head a little towards the table as he continued to cook breakfast.
"This is the realest it's been, right?"
Egon nodded slowly, and Ray sighed.

"That usually means a bad sign, Spengler. We really got to try now to figure out the meaning of it all."

"Well..." Egon started, "I've been searching through many paranormal and history books this morning for a lead, and for starters, Spate's Catalog has some information that's similar."
He grabbed a book on top of a small pile near his coffee and opened it from a bookmark he'd left in.

At once, everyone stopped what they were doing. Winston leaned both his elbows on the table, Peter finally put his phone away, and Ray quickly finished breakfast before sitting down.

"Some related information is under the 'Ancient Civilizations' chapter, where it states that there was an ancient tribe or cult along the East Coast and the Great Lakes area with the strange mazelike symbols I saw. It also mentions some broken crystals, a type of cult circle, and some unusual stone structures, which I believe is the inter-dimensional portal framework. But other than that, it's listed as obscure. That's all it says."

Peter slammed his fist on the table. "I've got it. You're dreaming about that Atlantis movie made by Disney."

"Peter, not everything mysterious related to that movie," Ray chimed in.

"So? It's got good ideas in culture and language, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was related."

Ray shook his head.

"Oh my gosh," Winston said, "anyway Egon, you have other books here, what else did you find?"

Egon flipped open another book on top of the pile.
"This book is about cave findings and other oddities. I figured it'd be good enough for a lead. It states again that this tribe lived around the East Coast and Great Lakes area. Here, it mentions the symbols again. There also appears to be some etched cave drawings. One example here is how supposedly this tribe got these crystals."
He pointed at a black-and-white photo of a cave drawing; a huge crystal was being illuminated in the middle while people surrounded it. Three huge people in the clouds lowered their arms down, as if giving the crystal to the people. Another god was below, along with many drawings depicting demons. A type of language sprawled around the drawing.
"It's a typical origin story from what I can see."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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