Chapter Six

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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

A text notification quiets my Why Don't We playlist on Spotify for a few seconds before the music returns to it's full volume.

I pull my gaze away from my laptop and fumble around for my phone in the folds of the comforter on my bed.

Daniel: I'm not ignoring you, I swear. I'm so sorry you haven't heard from me all day

I smile to myself as the irrational worries of my day go to rest. I texted him this morning and he never responded, which, though I hate to admit it, I dwelt on all day long.

I glance at the time: nine-fifteen.

Kai: Don't worry about it. I just figured you were in your right mind for letting me down gently.

Daniel: Kai
  Wait hold up

Kai: Daniel, chill. I'm joking.

Daniel: Gosh you scared me. You're the worst. I was literally about to call you freaking out

Kai: Well, thank you for caring.
  And also for making me laugh.

Daniel: Good to know the fact that I almost had a heart attack is amusing to you

Kai: What can I say; I'm the worst.

Daniel: Look at you with all your fancy punctuation

Kai: Blaire makes fun of it every time we text by sending an unnecessary amount of emojis or anything ranging from misspelled words to horribly abbreviated phrases.

Daniel: Thaz g8

Kai: I will block your number.

Daniel: Mhh hmm, whatever you say
  In all seriousness, I feel terrible for not contacting you all day

Kai: Don't worry about it, really.

Daniel: Mom made plans for the family to leave Portland early this morning and travel to a city nearby to spend the day with some aunts and uncles, which would've been fine except for the fact that she forgot to tell me that we were doing this until this morning when we were already late. I left my phone at home in the rush so that's why you didn't hear from me all day long, we just got back

Kai: Excuses for everything.

Daniel: Kai Merta! I just poured out my heart and soul into writing out this paragraph and I get a sarcastic, blunt, three-word response in return?!

Kai: Too bad, so sad, Seavey.

Daniel: It's going to be VERY hard for me to put this squabble in the past, but I will figure out how so we can move on.

Kai: You used the term squabble incorrectly. We are not having a noisy argument, we are texting.

Daniel: Too bad, so sad, Merta.
  Guess what?

Kai: I don't have any desire within me to ask.


Thirty minutes later, I have learned that Daniel loves watermelon, hates chocolate, shares a room with Jack in the Why Don't We house in L.A., enjoys swimming, and was a contestant on a season of American Idol several years back.

Daniel has learned that I am unconditionally in love with mint chocolate chip ice cream, hate big crowds, stay up past midnight almost every night, and was absolutely obsessed with photography when I was fifteen.

Daniel: Okay, last question
  If you could do anything outside (other than running since we've already discussed that), what would you do?

Kai: Hiking.

Daniel: Are you serious?!

Kai: Yep. I love it.

Several minutes pass before he contacts me again, though not in the way I expected.

"Texting get too boring for you?" I say as soon as I answer his call.

"You're hilarious," he says.

"Joking, Daniel."

"I know, I know. I actually called to ask if you're busy tomorrow morning. I know since tomorrow's Wednesday, you won't have your morning shift at the diner, but I wanted to make sure you don't have anything else planned."

"Nope, I've got nothing. Schedule's free."

"Good. Well, I'm inviting you to go somewhere with Anna and I tomorrow. We'll have you back in time for your shift at the bookstore in the afternoon, so don't worry about that."

"Where is this place you're talking about?" I ask.


"Are we going hiking?" I say, trying to sound calm, but doing a very poor job.

I always beg Blaire to go hiking with me but she refuses every time because she doesn't enjoy "long treks through the woods when the only things you gain are sore muscles and mosquito bites."

Daniel laughs at the hopeful tone of my voice. 

"Yes, we're going hiking."

"Yay, and Anna's coming too, I'm guessing?" I say.

"Of course," he says. I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Well, good. I like hanging out with you guys."

"You're not bad company yourself," he counters. I smile without entirely remembering that he can't see me.

"We'll pick you up at seven tomorrow morning. Is that alright?"

"Yeah, that's... actually, I have an idea."


"We should go early enough to watch the sunrise. I know we'd have to leave at four in the morning to drive to the trail and hike to a point where we can get a good, open view before it comes up, but it would be worth it."

"I agree," Daniel says, wholeheartedly. "I'm so glad you thought of that! Although... Anna probably won't be thrilled. Like I've said before, she likes her sleep. But we should do it."

"Alright. If she comes or not, I'll be ready at four."

"Okay," Daniel says, "I'll be there. So now, get some sleep. Actual sleep, Kai, not three hours."

"Alright. Don't worry, I will."

"Okay, good. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Kai."

I pause before replying, the realization of how truly astonishing it is for a friendship to be forming this quickly rushing through my mind.

"Goodnight, Daniel."

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