ONE ORDER OF "Teenage Hormones" COMING UP!

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I don't really know where to start but life is getting sooooo weird for me. When I was younger, I HATED -- when I mean by hate, I mean like haaaaaaaate -- shopping for clothes. Now, I love it....and as you know, I'm just a few weeks away from becoming a teenager. ITS HORRIBLE. I didn't expect it to have THIS MUCH CHANGE. I mean, I am getting used to it, and holding back from it. You know how teenagers can be rebellious? Well....let's say this author-nim is a bit of a rebel. I'm changing my appearance (by actually caring), and buying my own clothes (WTF?!).

I'm sure some of you are minors like me, experiencing the same thing. I've got some advice...


I'm just starting to grasp the reality of becoming a teenager and new responisibilities, but here's some advice (you don't have to listen, but it is reccomended).

1. Take a deep breath. This may sound stupid, but taking a deep breath could help you center yourself and calm down. Becoming a teenager can be overwhelming at times.

2. Be more respectful to your parents. I may be a bit of a rebel, but I found that even the simple polite ways in ettiquette can help you respect your parents. Simple things, like saying "thank you for dinner Mom!" or "Thank you for being there for me!" Something along those lines. Also help out with dishes, you know, every day chores. Anything to make your parents feel appreciated, and like they raised a good child. 

3. Just...ignore drama. Drama is the killer of all friends. Seriously, once you get involved in drama, you can never get out. With your teenage hormones, drama is intensified, and it can draw you away from our friends...and basically all things good. Avoiding drama will make your life sooo much better!

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